
How to install PLAYipp

This page is for you who are going to install PLAYipp. We offer two ways to install PLAYipp depending on which screen solution you are using. Either PLAYipp is installed via a PLAYport HD (an external media player) or it is installed as an app directly to the screen's built-in media player. If you have not purchased a PLAYport HD for your screens, you can go directly to the section "Install the app."


For those of you who have an external media player - a PLAYport HD - and want to connect it to your screen to start up PLAYipp – follow our step-by-step guide here! 

Would you rather watch a video that shows all the steps? Check it out here:

Install the app

If you are not using a PLAYport HD, then PLAYipp can also be installed directly on several different types of screens. See which screen types are supported and follow the installation guides here.

Once the app is installed, it's time to activate the screen and connect it to the correct screen location. Follow the guide here to activate the screen. Want to know more about how to create screen locations? Read more about it here .

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