
Activate signage screen

If your screen is installed correctly and has not been activated before, it will display an activation code and a QR code. There are now 2 ways to activate the screen.
(If this doesn't appear, you need to install an app or player on your screen. You can see how to do that in one of these articles: Install PLAYipp Digital Signage)

  1. Activate with activation code. 
    With this code, you can activate the screen if you sign on to https://signage.playipp.com/. You need a user with the rights to manage units on the account you want to activate it to. Note! The activation code is only active for 2 hours, after that a new code will appear on the screen.
    This guide will further explain the process to activate the screen using the activation code.

  2. Activate with an installation code
    If you have gotten an installation code, you can activate the screen without the need to sign in. Scan the QR code on the screen and enter the installation code. 
    Read this article to see how you create the installation codes: Generate installation codes 
    This guide will further explain the process to activate the screen using an installation code.

Activate with activation code. 

If you haven’t got an installation code, the screen must be activated with the activation code. This is done by signing in to https://signage.playipp.com/. You need a user with the rights to manage units on the account you want to activate it to.

To activate a new screen with the activation code, follow these steps:

  1. Click "Signage"

  2. Click "Screen list"

  3. Click "Add screens"

  4. Click “Activate now”

  5. Enter the activation from the screen here:

  6. Enter the name that the screen will have.

  7. Select the screen location for the screen.

  8. Select the layout for the screen.

  9. Select the subscription for the screen.

  10. Click "Add screen"

    The screen is now activated and is added to your other active screens in the screen list.
    Note: The screen will restart a few times to update the software before the content will be displayed.

Activate with an installation code

If you have an installation code, you can use that to activate the screen directly from your phone. When the screen is ready for activation, an activation code and a QR code will be displayed on the screen.

  1. Scan the QR code on the screen. You can also go directly to https://signage.playipp.com/screen-activation/ (if you scan the QR code the activation code will be automatically entered, and you only need to enter the installation code)

  2. Enter the Installation code.

  3. Click on “Activate”

  4. Make sure the information is correct

  5. Click “Yes”

  6. The screen is now activated and is added to your other active screens in the screen list. Note: The screen will restart a few times to update the software before the content will be displayed.
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