To be able to connect PLAYipp Rooms with your Google Calendar you need to be admin on your Google Workspace account
- Sign in to Google Cloud Platform
- Click on "IAM & Admin" and choose "Create a new project", name the project and click "Create".
- Choose the project by clicking the arrow beside the "Google Cloud Platform" text and navigate to APIs & Services > Library"
- Activate “Google Calendar API” And “ADMIN SDK API” by searching for them and click "Enable"
- Navigate to IAM & Admin > Service Accounts
- Create a new service account by clicking on "Create service account"
- Go to the settings for the newly created service account by clicking the 3 dots under action on the right hand side, Click on "Manage details" and choose "Keys", Click on "Add key" and "Create new key" Save the file In JSON format.
- Download the file and save it for later.
Activate Google Workspace Domain-wide Delegation for the service account:
- Sign in to Google Cloud Platform
- Navigate to "IAM & Admin"
- Choose the newly created Service account.
- Copy your Oauth 2 Client ID
- Sign in to Google Admin Console
- Go to Security > access and data control > Api controls
- Click on "Manage domain wide delegation."
- Click on "Add new"
- Paste your Client ID that we copied in step 4
- Paste the following links under scopes:
Create buildings and meeting rooms
If you don't have meeting rooms you can create them by following this guide
Connect to the calendar in the web interface
- Click on "Rooms" in the menu.
- Choose "Google Kalender"
- Fill in the Google Administrator mail adress and attach the JSON File that you downloaded earlier
- You now need to verify your account. Copy the link shown on the page
- Go to "Google Search Console" in the browser and paste the link you copied and press Continue
- Download the HTML file that you will get by clicking on it
Don't close this webpage! You will need it soon - Upload the HTML file to PLAYipp and press "next step".
- Go back to "Google Search Console" and click in "Verify"
- If "ownership Verified" is displayed the connection is established
- Go back to PLAYipp and finish the setup. To activate your screen follow this guide Activare rooms screen