
How does widgets work

Widgets are smart playlist objects that retrieve information from other systems. A widget can, for example, display the weather for 3 days ahead, your latest posts on Instagram, departures in local traffic, calendars from Outlook or Google and much, much more.

Most widgets require an integration or function. Integrations and functions can be found in the main menu. (do you not see that option in the main menu and then have to talk to your account administrators)

You can read more about our integrations and functions here: https://helpcenter.playipp.com/category/121/


The feeds can be used by several integrations to display feeds eg: Instagram, Facebook, RSS and Omnia, Microsoft yammer, Spintr and WordPress.

You can see how to add a feed widget here: How to add a feed widget 


Events are used to display information from calendars such as: BRP, Beework, Google calendar, Microsoft calendar, Visbook.

You can see how to add an Event widget here: How to add an event widget 

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