

Kilkaya can be used without an integration on PLAYipp screens. You will need to create a link from Kilkaya which you then post as a web link in playipp.

Start by creating this link. you see how to do it here:


When you have a weblink you need to add it as a weblink to a playlist. To add it follow these steps:

  1. Click "Signage"

  2. Click on the location or group you want to publish the link on.
    image (1).jpeg

  3. Click on the area you want to show publish to.
    image (2).jpeg

  4. Click "Add new"
    image (3).jpeg

  5. Click "Upload"

  6. Click "Webpage"
  7. Paste the link from Kilkaya here.
    image (5).jpeg

  8. Click "Next step"
    image (6).jpeg

  9. Here you can give the link a name so it makes it easier to identify the link
    image (7).jpeg

  10. Click here to set the playlength that you want the link to show in the playlist
    image (8).jpeg

  11. Choose a folder to save the link to
    image (9).jpeg

  12. Click "Next step"
    image (10).jpeg

  13. Choose if you want to schedule your link or if you want it to always show. You can read more how you schedule content here: Scheduling 
    image (11).jpeg

  14. Click "Publish"
    image (12).jpeg
    The link is now published on your screen and will start showing soon.
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