
Common error messages

We have collected the most common error messages, what they mean and how to solve them quickly and easily.

Should it still be the case that you still need assistans you are of course welcome to contact us and we will help you!




Invalid access token

The token to the key is need to be refresh

Contact support@playipp.com with the screen id displayed on the screen

No active data The published data is not activated in the playlist Activate the playlist or wait a couple of minutes
No available data There is no content uploaded in the playlist. You need to upload content to the playlist.
The player has no channel or region connected No screen location is connected to the media player. You need to connect a screen location to the media player.
Could not aquire activation code This usually means that the wrong version of PLAYipp has been installed. Check that the correct software has been installed to the correct screen model.
3 green circles but no activation code This usually means that the screen clock is set incorrectly. Review the screen settings for the watch and set it correctly.
Samsung & LG: Could not download app  This usually means that the screen clock is set incorrectly. Review the screen settings for the watch and set it correctly.
Playlist locked A change has been made to the playlist for the selected screen that has not been confirmed by the user. The user needs to confirm the changes and publish the playlist.
ERR_INSTALLING Could not install APK-files for apps Factory reset screen and install apps again
ERR_EMPTYDATA There was a problem fetching software from our servers Could be a issue with the network or system clock 
ERR_INSTALLED You already have the software installed Start playipp luncher instead. 
ERR_DOWNLOADING No matching APK-Packets on server.  Model not supported or wrong version selected. 
ERR_NO_SYSTEM_ID Could not resolve mac address Factory reset screen and install apps again
ERR_INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN The token to the key is need to be refresh Contact support@playipp.com with the screen id displayed on the screen
ERR_NO_AVAILABLE_DATA No available data Check that the correct layout is connected and something is published to the playlist
ERR_NO_ACTIVE_DATA No active data There is data aviable but not anything active 
ERR_NO_NETWORK No network Check the network connection to the screen/player
ERR_NO_SYNC_DATA No sync data  Check the network connection to the screen/player
ERR_WAITING_FOR_SERVER Waiting for server to prepare content Wait a few minutes
ERR_LAYER_LOCKED Layer locked Wait a few minutes
ERR_NO_ACTIVATION_CODE Could not acquire activation code Factory reset screen and install apps again
ERR_CORRUPT_INSTALLATION Corrupt installation, the system needs to be reinstalled with the proper system packages Factory reset screen and install apps again
ERR_MISSING_ACCESS_TOKEN The token to the key is need to be refresh Contact support@playipp.com with the screen id displayed on the screen
Deprecated Screen Media Player will soon reach end of life  Contact playipp (info@playipp.com) or your reseller for more info
Unsupported screen Media Player not supported Contact playipp (info@playipp.com) or your reseller for more info
End of life  Media Player no longer supported Contact playipp (info@playipp.com) or your reseller for more info
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