
Manage user rights

In this article, we will go through how you set permissions for your users, what all permissions do and how they work. This can be customized to an individual level according to what your organizational structure looks like.

Contents of this article:

User details


Screen access

Media library

All users who log into PLAYipp® must have their own personal user. An unlimited number of users is included in the license. It is possible to customize each user's permissions so that the user only gets access to exactly what they are supposed to manage. If several users have equal permissions, it is best to configure a user group. We will go through user groups here: User groups 

To see how to add new users, follow this guide: Add new users 

All users can be found under Administration > Users where you are greeted by a list of all users and can click on each user to see user details and permissions.

All new users have 3 tabs: User Details, Permissions and Media Library

User details

Here you will find basic details about the user; Name, email and phone number. You can also block the user and add them to a user group.

You can read more about user groups here: User groups 



Under the second tab we find all the permissions that you can give to the user. Depending on which functions are activated on your account, options may be added or removed.


Administrator: Permissions to change everything, including organization settings. An administrator has access to all content, screens and users.

Publish Content: Allows the user to publish content to screens. When you have activated this, you will get another tab (screen access) where you can choose which screens the user can publish content to.

Quicknote Templates: Allows the user to manage Quicknote templates. You can read more about how to create and manage Quicknote templates here: Create a Quicknote template 

Functions: Allows the user to manage all functions. This means the functions Tenants, Restaurant Menus, Targets, Information Feed and Events. If you click on "Show all permissions", you can choose which of these functions the user can manage.

Integrations: Allows the user to create and manage integrations against third-party systems. You can find help center articles about all integrations here: Integrations 

Signage administration: Allows the user to add screens, groups and manage its settings.

Rooms Administration: Allows the user to add screens and manage settings for Rooms screens.

User Administration: Allows the user to manage users and their permissions.
ATTENTION! This allows the user to create administrators and new users with higher privileges.

Design: Allows the user to manage screen layouts and graphical profile.

License Administration: Allows the user to manage subscriptions and licenses.

Organization Settings: Allows the user to manage general settings and licenses. (Only administrators have access to organization settings.)

Screen access

If you have given a user permissions to publish content (you can find this under the permissions tab) then a tab called screen access will appear. Here you set which screens and groups a user can publish to. When you open this tab, you will be greeted by two tables. These two show which screen slots and screen groups the user currently has permissions to publish to (on new users these are empty).

To choose which locations or groups the user can manage, click "Edit". The table will unfold and all places/groups will be visible. You can now tick "publish" in the place or group that the user should be allowed to publish to.

In the example below, the user can publish to the location Gävle but not Sandviken.


You can also set which area or layout the user can publish to. You do this by clicking on the plus sign on the left. Then you can choose exactly which layout or surface the user can publish to.

In the example below, the user is allowed to publish the area Top but not Middle left.


Media library

Here you can set which folders in the media library a user should have access to.

At the top there is an option to allow full access. If you check this option, you can choose whether the user has only "read" or both "read and write permissions" to all files and folders. 


If you uncheck this, you can choose which folders the user has write or read permissions to. You get read automatically if you check write permission.

In the example below, it is set that the user has "write and read permissions" on the files folder, only "read permissions" on the movies folder and no permissions at all on the pictures folder. This means that the user will not see the pictures folder at all.


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