
Heartbeat - Create a media player monitoring list

Heartbeat is a feature to monitor your screens and media players. You receive an email if any screen or media player goes offline. So that you have the opportunity to fix the error as quickly as possible. A player going offline can be due to several things. The most common, however, is that the network to the player/screen is malfunctioning.

It is possible to create several lists so that you can specify different contact persons for different screens/media players.
If you don't have this option in PLAYipp manager, you don't have rights for it. Please contact your PLAYipp account administrator.

Create a heartbeat list

  1. Click on "Signage"

  2. Click on "Heartbeat"

  3. Click here

  4. Name your list

  5. Click in "Add contact"

  6. Fill in a email adress of the person that shall receive the heartbeat email. This don't need to be a administrator in playipp. It can be someone that is a part of the IT department or someone at the location of the screen.

  7. Click on the media player tab and select which media players should be included in the list and monitored. On the left side, you can select all players that are part of groups, locations or media players that have a special screen layout.

  8. Click "Save"
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