
Notification center

In our notification center you will receive notifications about updates in PLAYipp, information about subscriptions that are about to expire and deviating support opening hours and more.

All your notifications can be found at the top right of when you are logged in to PLAYipp. If a red dot lights up next to the icon, it indicates that there are new messages.



There are two different types of notifications, information messages and warning messages. 

Information notices are displayed with an information icon and can be a message about updates in PLAYipp.


Warning notices are displayed with a red triangle and can, for example, be about a subscription about to expire that must be renewed.


All notices contain a "clear" button in the upper right corner where you can click to delete that particular notice. They can also contain a button that takes you to other places in PLAYipp.

Some notifications will not be possible to delete but will remain in the notification center until a certain date. The reason for that is that they contain important information that needs to be acted upon.


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