
Viva engage (formerly Yammer)

With an integration with Viva engage, you can automatically display posts from groups (communities), all posts with a special topic or all posts in a group with a certain topic. You can then display this in a feed widget on your screens.

NOTE: If the group is set as private in viva engage, someone who is an admin for the group must create the integration so that we can read from it.

To add an integration, follow these steps:

  1. Click "Integrations"

  2. Click "Viva Engage / Yammer"

  3. Click "Add to PLAYipp"

  4. Click "Authenticate Viva Engage / Yammer account"

  5. You will now need to log in to your Microsoft environment if you are not already logged in.

  6. You now get to choose what you want to include in the source you create. Start by creating a name for the source

  7. You can now filter by group and or Topic/tag.
    If you want to show everything in a group, just select a group.
    Everything with a subject/tag in a group then selects both.
    Everything with a topic/tag, you just choose it.

  8. Here you can seach for a group

  9. Here you filter for tags

  10. When you are done with this, click on “add source”

  11. Now we have a finished source that we can use in a widget.
    Screenshot 2023-09-28 at 10.39.13.png

  12. To display your source on a screen, follow this guide: How to add a feed widget 


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