With an integration with Power Bi, you can display reports from the Power Bi cloud on your screens. You can publish several reports from Power BI and with PLAYipp's help schedule and publish the information in the right place at the right time to create maximum relevance. If you want to create an integration, you must have both an account in PowerBi and PLAYipp. To create the integration, you need to follow the steps below.
Tip: for best results, the size of the canvas should be the same as the area to which you publish in PLAYipp. You can check here to see how to find out the size of your area: What is the resolution of the area I am publishing to?
- Click "Integrations"
- Click "PowerBI Cloud"
- Click "Add to PLAYipp"
- Click "Authenticate Power Bi Cloud account"
If you are not logged in, you will be forced to log in with your Microsoft account.
Note! The integration will now search for all reports it finds. These will be collected under "Available sources". - Click "Add source"
Optional: Activating embed for your PowerBI report or dashboard will make it have network traffic directly towards Power BI and Microsoft.
NOTE! Embed is not supported by all screens and devices. - Click "Signage"
- Click on "Publish"
- Click on the location or group you want to display the report on
- Click on the area you want o display the report on.
- Click "Add new"
- Click on "Automated content"
- Click on Add business intelligence
- Click on the source you want to show
- Click on Add to playlist
- Here you can change the name of the widget.
- Click select folder
- Choose the folder you want to save the widget to
- Click Select folder
- Click save