
Microsoft Sharepoint Pages setup

With an integration with sharepoint pages, you can automatically display new pages that are posted in sharepoint. Sharepoint is displayed in a feed widget and can then be combined with other integrations displayed in a feed widget

NOTE: The account used to set up the integration must have read rights on the SharePoint sites you want to be able to retrieve data from.

To add add the integration, follow these steps:

  1. Click integrations

  2. Click Sharepoint pages

  3. Click add to PLAYipp

  4. Click Autenticate SharePoint Pages account

  5. All sites will now be displayed. Click "add source" for the site you want to display. If you want to display several, add several.

    Now we have a finished source that we can use in a widget.
    Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 14.21.58.png

    To display your source on a screen, follow this guide: How to add a feed widget 
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