Create news feeds that automatically update or the latest news from your website. With our RSS integration, you can integrate most RSS feeds.
We added the most common feeds. You can also add your own feed via a link to it if you have one.
- Click "Integrations"
- Click "RSS"
- Click "Add to PLAYipp"
- Click "Add"
We've collected some common links that you can get started right away. If you want to use one of these feeds, click on "Add source" on one of our already filled-in links. - If you want to add your own link to an RSS feed, do it here
- Click "Add source"
- Your sources that you have activated will be found under "Added sources".
Now that you have added an RSS feed, you can choose to publish it on the screen. You do that by adding a feed widget. You can read more about how to add feed widgets here: How to add a feed widget