Get started with Signage
A collection of 7 articles
Get started with PLAYipp
New admin in PLAYipp
This page is dedicated to you as a new administrator on your company’s PLAYipp
account. First of all, welcome to even more possibilities with PLAYipp for
managing your digital information screens!
As an administrator in PLAYipp, you have expanded access to all the features
PLAYipp offers. This includes creating new layouts, building screen structures,
inviting colleagues, and managing your company’s licenses. In this article,
we’ve gathered guides and webinars to support you along the way!
If you are new to PLAYipp and are excited to get started we do have a few steps
you need to do before you can start publish content.
The PLAYipp logic consists of first creating a screenlayout and then creating a
screen structure before its time to get creative with the content.
This is because you need to first map out where on the screen your content will
go, and also figure out where to place your screens, to have full control over
where and on which screen your content will show up.
To help you along with this we have created a webinar-series for you who is a
new administrator in PLAYipp where we in each session focus on one of each
Do you need to install PLAYipp to your screen? Click here!
In this section, we have gathered the articles that we see are useful for you
who have higher user rights in PLAYipp.
* Create screen layout
* Create screen structure
* Set permissions and invite colleagues
* Licenses
* Create QUICKnote templates
On our website, you will always find plenty of exciting webinars to sign up for.
But especially for you as a new administrator, we have created a series to get
you started, which you can find below:
If you are completely new to PLAYipp and want to learn how to publish different
types of content, we can also recommend these webinars:
If you encounter any problems, our support is just a click away! Always free of
charge and available every weekday between 08:00–16:30.
New user in PLAYipp
Welcome to the platform for managing your digital information screens!
With PLAYipp, you can create and publish a wide range of content types. This
page is designed especially for you as a PLAYipp user to help you get started.
If you find certain options are unavailable, this may be due to your
permissions. To request additional permissions in PLAYipp, please reach out to
your company’s admin. You can find their contact information on the main page.
To learn more about everything an Admin can do - read here!
In this article, we have gathered the articles that we see as useful for getting
started with publishing content to your screens:
Publish content
Publish quicknotes
You’ll always find plenty of engaging webinars on our website. Browse all
webinars here!
If you're new to PLAYipp and just learning to publish various content types, we
especially recommend these webinars:
If you encounter any problems, our support team is just a click away!
They’re here to help every weekday from 08:00–16:30, free of charge.
Install and activate screens
Choose screen or media player
To display information on a screen, there are two different options. Either, you
have a screen with an internal media player that enables our PLAYin software to
be installed directly on the screen. Alternatively, if you do not have a screen
that supports PLAYin, you can plug in an external media player (PLAYport HD)
into the screen. The external media player can be connected to any screen or
monitor that has an HDMI input and full HD resolution (1920x1080px).
Click here for a list of screens that support PLAYin
Installing PLAYin or PLAYport
Regardless if you choose to use PLAYin or PLAYport HD, it needs to be installed.
The PLAYin software must be installed on the screen, while the PLAYport HD has
pre-installed software. Both options require a network connection – either
wireless or wired.
If you have not purchased a screen pre-installed with the PLAYipp software, you
will need to install it yourself. The installation process differs between
different screen models. Find your screen model in the list and then follow the
installation guide for your specific screen.
Click here for a list of screens that support PLAYin
If you have a screen that is not supported by PLAYin then you need to use our
external media player – PLAYport HD. This is a small external media player that
connects to the screen via HDMI. PLAYport HD requires a power source and network
Click here for the PLAYport installation guide
What happens now?
If the installation is correctly done, the screen will show an activation code.
This will in the used in the next step to connect the screen to the web
Read here on how to activate your signage screen
How to install PLAYipp
This page is for you who are going to install PLAYipp. We offer two ways to
install PLAYipp depending on which screen solution you are using. Either PLAYipp
is installed via a PLAYport HD (an external media player) or it is installed as
an app directly to the screen's built-in media player. If you have not purchased
a PLAYport HD for your screens, you can go directly to the section "Install the
For those of you who have an external media player - a PLAYport HD - and want to
connect it to your screen to start up PLAYipp – follow our step-by-step guide
Would you rather watch a video that shows all the steps? Check it out here:
If you are not using a PLAYport HD, then PLAYipp can also be installed directly
on several different types of screens. See which screen types are supported and
follow the installation guides here.
Once the app is installed, it's time to activate the screen and connect it to
the correct screen location. Follow the guide here to activate the screen. Want
to know more about how to create screen locations? Read more about it here .
Generate installation codes
Are your screens not activated yet, maybe you are waiting for an installer? Then
you can still prepare the screens by naming, choosing a location, layout and
subscription before installation. You will then receive installation codes that
you can email or send to the person who will install the screens to make the
activation easier. These installation codes are matched with the activation
codes displayed on the screen to activate the screen.
You can read about how you activate your screens with the activation and
installation code here: Activate signage screen
To add installation codes, follow these steps:
1. Click "Signage"
2. Click "Screen list"
3. Click "Add screens"
4. Click “Prepare for installation”
5. Enter the name that the screen shall have.
6. Select the screen location the screen shall be connected to.
7. Select the layout the screen shall be connected to.
8. Select the subscription the screen shall be connected to.
9. You can now choose to email the installation codes. It can be emailed to,
for example, the person who will be installing the screen so that they can
immediately activate the screen. You can also remove the email address to
only access the code from the system.
10. Click "Add screen"
11. The code is now created and can be used to activate a screen. All codes
that are created and not used can be found under "Pending activation".
NOTE: The code below is just an example!
You can read more how you activate your screens with the activation and
installation codes here: Activate signage screen
Activate signage screen
If your screen is installed correctly and has not been activated before, it will
display an activation code and a QR code. There are now 2 ways to activate the
(If this doesn't appear, you need to install an app or player on your screen.
You can see how to do that in one of these articles: Install PLAYipp Digital
1. Activate with activation code.
With this code, you can activate the screen if you sign on to You need a user with the rights to manage
units on the account you want to activate it to. Note! The activation code
is only active for 2 hours, after that a new code will appear on the screen.
This guide will further explain the process to activate the screen using the
activation code.
2. Activate with an installation code
If you have gotten an installation code, you can activate the screen without
the need to sign in. Scan the QR code on the screen and enter the
installation code.
Read this article to see how you create the installation codes: Generate
installation codes
This guide will further explain the process to activate the screen using an
installation code.
Activate with activation code.
If you haven’t got an installation code, the screen must be activated with the
activation code. This is done by signing in to You
need a user with the rights to manage units on the account you want to activate
it to.
To activate a new screen with the activation code, follow these steps:
1. Click "Signage"
2. Click "Screen list"
3. Click "Add screens"
4. Click “Activate now”
5. Enter the activation from the screen here:
6. Enter the name that the screen will have.
7. Select the screen location for the screen.
8. Select the layout for the screen.
9. Select the subscription for the screen.
10. Click "Add screen"
The screen is now activated and is added to your other active screens in
the screen list.
Note: The screen will restart a few times to update the software before the
content will be displayed.
Activate with an installation code
If you have an installation code, you can use that to activate the screen
directly from your phone. When the screen is ready for activation, an activation
code and a QR code will be displayed on the screen.
1. Scan the QR code on the screen. You can also go directly
to (if you scan the QR code
the activation code will be automatically entered, and you only need to
enter the installation code)
2. Enter the Installation code.
3. Click on “Activate”
4. Make sure the information is correct
5. Click “Yes”
6. The screen is now activated and is added to your other active screens in the
screen list. Note: The screen will restart a few times to update the
software before the content will be displayed.