To display information on a screen, there are two different options. Either, you have a screen with an internal media player that enables our PLAYin software to be installed directly on the screen. Alternatively, if you do not have a screen that supports PLAYin, you can plug in an external media player (PLAYport HD) into the screen. The external media player can be connected to any screen or monitor that has an HDMI input and full HD resolution (1920x1080px).
Click here for a list of screens that support PLAYin
Installing PLAYin or PLAYport
Regardless if you choose to use PLAYin or PLAYport HD, it needs to be installed.
The PLAYin software must be installed on the screen, while the PLAYport HD has pre-installed software. Both options require a network connection – either wireless or wired.
If you have not purchased a screen pre-installed with the PLAYipp software, you will need to install it yourself. The installation process differs between different screen models. Find your screen model in the list and then follow the installation guide for your specific screen.
Click here for a list of screens that support PLAYin
If you have a screen that is not supported by PLAYin then you need to use our external media player – PLAYport HD. This is a small external media player that connects to the screen via HDMI. PLAYport HD requires a power source and network connection.
Click here for the PLAYport installation guide
What happens now?
If the installation is correctly done, the screen will show an activation code. This will in the used in the next step to connect the screen to the web interface.