
Integrations and functions

A collection of 23 articles
Website screenshot
With this smart integration, you can easily display a web page on your information screen. The integration takes a screenshot of the page you want to view and then updates that screenshot after an hour. You can set different steps to be taken before the picture is taken; log in, click buttons, etc. This enables you to display web pages that are behind a login or similar. NOTE: the integration can only display public web pages, if the web page is only available internally on your network, it will not work. If you are going to display a web page as is, try publishing it as a normal web link first. You can read how to publish a web link here: Publish web links, Youtube & HLS stream  Jump to: Add integration Selector Requires login Script Add widget Add integration To add an integration, follow these steps: 1. Click "Integrations" 2. Click Website screenshot 3. Click "Add to PLAYipp" 4. Click "Activate connection" 5. You can now add a source. Start by entering the display name of the source. 6. Enter the URL you want to display 7. In order to get correct data, you may need to set the time zone, you can do that here. 8. Here you can choose which browser should be used to take the picture. The version can be adjusted in case the webpage does not support a particular browser. 9. If you need to change the resolution of the browser that takes the image, do so here. It can be good to do if you have to display the widget on a smaller area, and you want the web page to adapt to that size. Sometimes you also need to increase these values if you need to scroll on the web page to see what you want to display. 10. If you want the browser not to identify itself with a user agent, uncheck this. 11. Many pages have the same type of login flow, you can read more about how it works here: Requires login 12. If you tick this option, you can add scripts that run in the browser before the player takes a picture. You can read more about it a little further down in the guide 13. Click add source Selector Before you can start adding autologin or scripts, you need to know how to find out the names of the elements you interact with. To find out, follow these steps: 1. Open the browser in incognito mode (the most common keyboard shortcut is ctrl/cmd + shift + n) 2. Open the link you want to display in this new window. In the guide below we use https://content.playipp.com/test/login/ but all web pages are built differently so you will get different names. 3. Right-click the element whose name you want to find out. 4. Select inspect 5. A window will pop up with all the HTML code for the website. A row will be highlighted. When you hover your cursor over this row, you will see that the field you right-clicked on will be highlighted. Right-clickn this line. 6. Choose copy > Copy selector Now you have a piece of text in your clipboard. You can paste this field name/selector into various scripts to determine which element to interact with. NOTE: All pages are built differently, so the names are different for each page. Requires login With the login required button, you can easily create a script that enters a username, password and then clicks login. If you have to type username > click next > type password > click login or similar, you have to use the scripting option to do each step separately. When you've filled everything in, it might look something like this: NOTE: All pages are built differently, so the names of the selector are different for different pages.   Script With scripts, you can set up a number of steps to take place before a screenshot is taken on the page. It could be logging in, going to a subpage, approving cookies or the like. TIP: It's easiest to open an incognito window while you figure out what steps are being taken. If you use your usual profile in the browser, you may have accepted cookies, logged in or the like already. In the example below, a button called "#wt-cli-accept-btn" is clicked, then wait 5 seconds before the picture is taken. If you make a mistake or put the steps in the wrong order, you can change the order of the steps by pulling the handles (the 3 lines on the left side) and dragging them correctly. The options available are the following: * Click Simulates a click on a specific part of the website. For example, click the login button, a link on the page or the "Accept cookies" button on pop-ups that always appear. * Drop down menu Selects an option from a drop-down menu. For example drop-down menus to select months, years. The value field is the dropdown value you want it to select, to see how to find the name of the selector see the selector section * Write Writes text for a specific part of the website. For example. Enter username in a login form or enter text to search in a search field. Value is the text to be written, to see how to find the name of the selector see the selector section * Write (protected) Enters sensitive text into a specific part of the website. For example. Enter a password in a login form. Value is the text to be written, to see how to find the name of the selector see the selector section * Wait Wait for X number of seconds before the script moves on to the next step. For example, if in the previous step you have clicked on a button and now want to wait a few seconds for the website to load properly. * Enter/Return Simulates Enter key press on a specific part of the website. For example, if in previous steps you have entered something in a search field and now want to press Enter to search. To see how to find the name of the selector see the selector section * Go to URL Loads a new web link to continue the script on. For example, if in previous steps you have logged in to a service, now you want to go to a specific part of the service. The value is the web link to which the script should go. * Add CSS If you want to hide part of the web page or change the CSS, you can use add CSS. Value is the CSS code to be executed e.g. "color: #ffffff; background-color: # 000000;". To see how to find the name of the selector see selector section If no selector is selected, the CSS will go directly to the body element. Add widget When you have your source ready, you can add a widget to the screen that displays this. 1. Click here 2. Click "Publish" 3. Click on the location or group you want to publish the widget to 4. Click on the area you want to publish the widget to 5. Click "Add new" 6. Click "Automated content"   7. Click Add website screenshot 8. Click on the source you want to add 9. Here you get options to change the position of the screenshot in the area and zoom. 10. When you are done, click add to playlist 11. Here you can change the name of the widget. 12. Click select folder 13. Select the folder you want to save the widget to 14. Click select folder 15. Click save 16. Now your widget is published on the screen and it will appear on the screen soon.
With this smart integration, you can easily display content from a channel in Staffbase on your digital information screen from PLAYipp. The widget can display images and text. If there is an uploaded video on the post, a still image from the video will be displayed instead. ATTENTION! In order to add an integration, you need an API token from Staffbase. You create this token under Studio > Settings > API access. Create a token to use when integrating with PLAYipp and copy this to use later in the guide. The access of the token needs to be read only. To create this token, you must be an admin in Staffbase! You are able to read more here: https://support.staffbase.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015755691-Creating-and-Retrieving-an-API-Token  To add the integration, follow these steps: 1. Click "Integrations" 2. Click on Staffbase 3. Click on add to PLAYipp 4. Add the Staffbase URL you use to sign in to Staffbase. For example "https://app.staffbase.com" 5. Enter the API key you created earlier. 6. Click on Authenticate 7. Add the source you want to display.  If there are language variations, we will add a suffix to the name of the channel. 8. Now you have a source from Staffbase. To show this source on a widget you need to add a widget. You can see how you add that here: How to add a feed widget 
Matilda FoodTech setup
With this smart integration, you can easily display a menu from Matilda FoodTech on your digital information screen from PLAYipp. To add the integration, follow these steps: 1. Click "Integrations" 2. Click Matilda FoodTech   3. Click "Add to PLAYipp" 4. Choose between Mashie and Matilda FoodTech here 5. Enter your API key here. If you do not have an API key, you must contact Matilda FoodTech to obtain one. 6. Click "Authenticate" 7. All distributors will appear as sources. Add the source you want to display on the screen. 8. Click here 9. Click Publish 10. Click on the group or location you want to display the menu on 11. Click on the area you want to display the menu on 12. Click add new 13. Click "Automated content" 14. Click on Add food menus 15. Click on the source you want to show 16. Under display type you can change how the menu shall look like. (This was earlier called templates) You can customize how the feed shall look like in the next steps 17. Here you have all the options to customize your menu widget  18. When you are happy with your widget click on Add to playlist 19. Click here and give your menu a name 20. Click on Select folder 21. Click on the folder you want to save the menu to. 22. Click on select folder 23. Click on save
Share your posts and beautiful pictures from Facebook to your digital information screens. The information you share is published with various ready-made widgets and you can easily choose how many posts back you want to show. Below you see 2 examples of how it might look when Facebook is displayed on screen NOTE: After you have created an integration with Facebook, you can edit which pages our integration gets access to via meta business integrations. You reach this via: https://www.facebook.com/settings/?tab=business_tools Follow these steps to add Facebook to your screen 1. Click "Integrations" 2. Click "Facebook" 3. Click "Add to PLAYipp" 4. Click "Login with Facebook" 5. Click "Edit access" 6. Select these 4 options on the page you want to display 7. Click on the "X" 8. Click "Continue as ...." 9. Your Facebook page will be displayed as a source.  10. Now the integration for Facebook are ready to be published as a widget in PLAYipp Digital Signage! You can read more about how to add a feed widget here: How to add a feed widget 
Share your beautiful pictures from Instagram to your digital information screens. The information you share is published with various ready-made widgets and you can easily choose how many posts back you want to show. Below, you see a picture of how it might look when Instagram is displayed on screen. We can only display images from Instagram at the moment. If there is a video in the post, a thumbnail from the video will be displayed. NOTE: * To create an integration with Instagram, your Instagram account must be a professional account. Professional accounts on Instagram can be set up as either Business or Creator, depending on what suits your needs best. It is therefore not possible to create an integration with a personal or private account on Instagram. For further questions about account types on Instagram, we refer you to Instagram's Help Center. * Likes and comments can't be displayed, this is because Instagram has removed this functionality from their API documantation. Follow these steps to add instagram to your screen 1. Click "Integrations" 2. Click "Instagram" 3. Click "Add to PLAYipp" 4. Click “Authenticate Instagram account” 5. You will now need to log in to Instagram if you are not already logged in your browser. NOTE! If the integration try to log in to the wrong account, you must log out of the Instagram website (https://www.instagram.com/) first. 6. Click "Allow" 7. Your Instagram account will now be listed under sources. 8. Now the integration for Instagram are ready to be published as a widget in PLAYipp Digital Signage! You can read more about how to add a feed widget here: How to add a feed widget   
Viva engage (formerly Yammer)
With an integration with Viva engage, you can automatically display posts from groups (communities), all posts with a special topic or all posts in a group with a certain topic. You can then display this in a feed widget on your screens. NOTE: If the group is set as private in viva engage, someone who is an admin for the group must create the integration so that we can read from it. To add an integration, follow these steps: 1. Click "Integrations" 2. Click "Viva Engage / Yammer" 3. Click "Add to PLAYipp" 4. Click "Authenticate Viva Engage / Yammer account" 5. You will now need to log in to your Microsoft environment if you are not already logged in. 6. You now get to choose what you want to include in the source you create. Start by creating a name for the source 7. You can now filter by group and or Topic/tag. If you want to show everything in a group, just select a group. Everything with a subject/tag in a group then selects both. Everything with a topic/tag, you just choose it. 8. Here you can seach for a group 9. Here you filter for tags 10. When you are done with this, click on “add source” 11. Now we have a finished source that we can use in a widget. 12. To display your source on a screen, follow this guide: How to add a feed widget   
Power Bi setup
With an integration with Power Bi, you can display reports from the Power Bi cloud on your screens. You can publish several reports from Power BI and with PLAYipp's help schedule and publish the information in the right place at the right time to create maximum relevance. If you want to create an integration, you must have both an account in PowerBi and PLAYipp. To create the integration, you need to follow the steps below. Tip: for best results, the size of the canvas should be the same as the area to which you publish in PLAYipp. You can check here to see how to find out the size of your area: What is the resolution of the area I am publishing to? 1. Click "Integrations" 2. Click "PowerBI Cloud" 3. Click "Add to PLAYipp" 4. Click "Authenticate Power Bi Cloud account" If you are not logged in, you will be forced to log in with your Microsoft account. Note! The integration will now search for all reports it finds. These will be collected under "Available sources". 5. Click "Add source" Optional: Activating embed for your PowerBI report or dashboard will make it have network traffic directly towards Power BI and Microsoft. NOTE! Embed is not supported by all screens and devices. 6. Click "Signage" 7. Click on "Publish" 8. Click on the location or group you want to display the report on 9. Click on the area you want o display the report on. 10. Click "Add new" 11. Click on "Automated content" 12. Click on Add business intelligence  13. Click on the source you want to show  14. Click on Add to playlist 15. Here you can change the name of the widget.  16. Click select folder 17. Choose the folder you want to save the widget to 18. Click Select folder 19. Click save  
Facebook Workplace
With a few clicks, you can show posts from Facebook Workplace directly on your digital information screens. To create the integration, you only need to follow the steps below. To create a Facebook Workplace integration, a user with administrator rights on Facebook Workplace is required to create a third-party integration. Create custom integration in Facebook Workplace 1. Click on the menu option ‘Admin Panel’ in the main menu on the left of Facebook Workplace. 2. Click on ‘Integrations’ in the Admin Panel. 3. Click on ‘Create Custom Integration’, then enter the desired name and description of the integration. Make sure that the ‘Read group content’ permission is selected. 4. Click on ‘Create Access Token’. Copy the access token that is then displayed. You need to enter this in PLAYipp manager. Read more about creating a custom integration in Facebook Workplace here.   Create integration in PLAYipp manager 1. Click "Integrations" 2. Click "Facebook Workplace" 3. Click "Add to PLAYipp" 4. Paste your token here 5. Click "Add Facebook Workplace integration" 6. Publish in PLAYipp Digital Signage Now the integration for Facebook Workplace are ready to be published as a widget in PLAYipp Digital Signage! You can read more about how to add a feed widget here: How to add a feed widget 
Fast API
NOTE: This feature will be discontinued as of week 8, 2025, as part of our efforts to streamline and improve our platform. With PLAYipp and FastAPI, you take stairwell communication to the next level. By integrating PLAYipp's digital information screens with the Fast API, you can quickly and easily present the residents in the stairwell quickly and easily directly on the screen. The best thing about this? The update is done completely automatically. Or as we say: automagically. To create the integration, you only need to follow the steps presented below. 1. Have an active account To create an integration with FastAPI, you firstly need to have an active account there. 2. Select Integrations in the menu The Integrations' menu can only be seen by the person who is the admin of the company account. Are you not an admin but still want to make an integration? Contact your company admin or us and we will help you! 3. Authenticate & log in To authenticate FastAPI you need to fill in: - A URL to your FastAPI server (example: https://example.com/fastapi/v1) - Your username - Your password 4. Add the correct source For each building that is to display a housing list, the correct source and address need to be filled in order for the correct data to be displayed in the widget. - Search for the address of the building. - Choose the right address and building. 5. Publish in PLAYipp Digital Signage Now, the integration for Fast API are ready to be published as a widget in PLAYipp Digital Signage. When you select FastAPI as the widget, you need to select the correct source for the correct building if multiple sources are added. Select the widget for Fast API.   
Microsoft Sharepoint lists setup
With an integration against sharepoint list, you can automatically display new posts in sharepoint. Sharepoint is displayed in a feed widget and can then be combined with other integrations displayed in a feed widget NOTE: The account used to set up the integration must have read rights on the SharePoint list and any linked content you want to be able to retrieve data from. To add add the integration, follow these steps: 1. Click integrations 2. Click SharePoint Lists 3. Click Add to PLAYipp 4. Click Authenticate SharePoint List account 5. All lists will now be displayed. Click "add source" for the lists you want to display. If you want to display several, add several. 6. Every list can be built different and therefore you need to map what is what. Click on Needs mapping 7. Under title you need to click on the dropdown and select the Id of the title column 8. In our case it is called title 9. Then you need to do the same for the Body. 10. And the same for images 11. When the mapping is done click save Now we have a finished source that we can use in a widget. To display your source on a screen, follow this guide: How to add a feed widget   
Microsoft Sharepoint Pages setup
With an integration with sharepoint pages, you can automatically display new pages that are posted in sharepoint. Sharepoint is displayed in a feed widget and can then be combined with other integrations displayed in a feed widget NOTE: The account used to set up the integration must have read rights on the SharePoint sites you want to be able to retrieve data from. To add add the integration, follow these steps: 1. Click integrations 2. Click Sharepoint pages 3. Click add to PLAYipp 4. Click Autenticate SharePoint Pages account 5. All sites will now be displayed. Click "add source" for the site you want to display. If you want to display several, add several. Now we have a finished source that we can use in a widget. To display your source on a screen, follow this guide: How to add a feed widget 
Microsoft Calendar
With a integration against Microsoft calendar you can easily display one or several calendars on screen. It can for example be a shared calendar or the calendar of a meeting room. To add a calendar, you need to have some special rights. We use Microsoft's Graph API. We check for calendars against the following endpoints: * https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/calendars * https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/calendarGroups * https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me/calendarGroups/${group.id}/calendars It is possible to test calls as a logged in user here: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/graph-explorer If you have questions about rights, it is easiest to contact Microsoft support with the information above To add an integration to your screen, follow these steps: 1. Click "Integrations" 2. Click "Microsoft Calendar" 3. Click "Add to PLAYipp" 4. Click “Authenticate Microsoft Calendar Account” NOTE! If you are not signed in on your web browser and you will be prompted to sign in to your account. 5. Click "Add source" Now you have a source that you can add to a event widget. You can read how you add a event widget here: How to add a event widget   
Stock & Currency
Now is the time to let others know how things are going for that stock that is important to you. Or why not a whole index or a whole stock market? With our latest addition, you can with simplicity and full automation get stock data on your digital information screens. You choose if you want to show conveyor belts with data or if you have individual shares up. 1. Click on signage 2. Click on the location or group you want to publish the widget to. 3. Click on the area you want to add the widget to. 4. Click "Add new" 5. Click “Automated content” 6. Click add finance 7. If you already have a source added it will appear here, and you can go to step 13 otherwise click add new source 8. Click on type 9. Select the type you want to show.  Different types will have slightly different settings. In this guide we will show a commodity  10. Click here and search for the commodity you want to show. 11. Click on the commodity you want to show 12. Click Add new source 13. Click on the source you want to show 14. Click here 15. Here you can change all the settings for the widget. 16. Click to add to playlist 17. Click here to change the name of the widget. 18. Click on select folder 19. Select the folder you want to save the widget to 20. Click on select folder 21. Click on save
Spintr setup
Integrate Spintr with your digital information screen from PLAYipp and share the intranet's great news with the entire company. With a few clicks you are up and running! 1. Go to your profile on Spintr. Go to settings and select API. Then press "Get key". The key displayed should then be entered in the "Spintr API key" field to create the integration with PLAYipp. (This step is done in Spintr.) 2. Sign in to PLAYipp portal (https://signage.playipp.com/) 3. Click "Integrations" 4. Click "Spintr" 5. Click "Add to PLAYipp" 6. Enter your spintr instance name here 7. Enter your API key here 8. Click "Add Spintr integration" 9. Click this icon. 10. Click the type of feed you want to add 11. Click "Add source" 12. Now you have a source from spintr. To show this source on a widget you need to add a widget. You can see how you add that here: How to add a feed widget 
Google Calendar
By integrating with Google Calendar, you can conveniently display one or more calendars on your screen. This could be a shared calendar or a meeting room calendar. To add the integration to your screen, follow these steps: 1. Click "Integrations" 2. Click “Google Calendar” 3. Click “Add to PLAYipp” 4. Click “Sign in with Google” 5. Click on your account 6. Click "Allow" 7. Click "Add source" Now there is a source that you can use in an event widget. You can read more about how to add event widgets here: How to add a event widget 
Through an integration with WordPress, you can display pages and posts from your self-hosted WordPress sites. To add an integration to wordpress, follow these steps: 1. Click on integrations 2. Click wordpress 3. Click add to PLAYipp 4. Paste the URL to the page you want to retrieve information from 5. Click add 6. Here you can change the name of the source if you wish. 7. Choose whether it is posts or pages. 8. Click add 9. Now you have a source that you can use in a widget. To display your source on a screen, follow this guide: How to add a feed widget     
Timetables (GTFS Sverige, Västtrafik & Entur)
Integrate your digital information screen with departures for public transport and let employees and visitors have a overview of the next departure! We have different options for displaying stops and you can choose between three different types of integrations to display data. You can choose between GTFS and Västtrafik to show stops in Sweden and Entur to show stops and departures in Norway. All these integrations are implemented in the same way. 1. Click Signage 2. Click on the location or group you want to publish the widget to. 3. Click on the area you want to add the widget to. 4. Click "Add new" 5. Click “Automated content” 6. Click Add Timetables 7. Choose between GTFS and Västtrafik to show stops in Sweden and Entur to show stops and departures in Norway 8. If you have a stop added it will appear here, If you want to continue with that stop you can go to step 13. To add a new stop click Add new source. 9. Search for a stop here 10. Click to add it 11. You can give the stop a name if you want to show the full name 12. Click add new source 13. Click the stop you want to show 14. Here can change between different display types.  (Display types were earlier called templates) 15. Click Settings 16. You can change some general settings here 17. You can click here to change the types of traffic you want to show 18. Click here to remove a traffic type 19. Click here to go back to the settings 20. To change settings regarding stop name, click here 21. Here you have all settings regarding stop name When you are done you can click here to go back 22. To change settings regarding appearance, click here 23. When you are happy with your timetable, click Add to playlist. 24. Click here if you want to change the name of the timetable 25. Click here  26. Select a folder to save the timetable to. 27. Click select folder 28. Click save
Create news feeds that automatically update or the latest news from your website. With our RSS integration, you can integrate most RSS feeds. We added the most common feeds. You can also add your own feed via a link to it if you have one. 1. Click "Integrations" 2. Click "RSS" 3. Click "Add to PLAYipp" 4. Click "Add" We've collected some common links that you can get started right away. If you want to use one of these feeds, click on "Add source" on one of our already filled-in links. 5. If you want to add your own link to an RSS feed, do it here 6. Click "Add source" 7. Your sources that you have activated will be found under "Added sources". Now that you have added an RSS feed, you can choose to publish it on the screen. You do that by adding a feed widget. You can read more about how to add feed widgets here: How to add a feed widget   
With an integration with Omnia, you can retrieve information and display it in our feed widgets. To set up an integration with omnia, you first need to find a couple of links in Omnia. * Omnia API URL: https://account_name.omniacloud.net (NOTE replace "account_name" with your own account name) * Web Content Management API URL: Almost the same as the Omnia API URL, but with a string of characters in front of the account name for example https://tvny574i8wtgh5-account_name.omniacloud.net * Client IDs are created in Omnia, if you need help with these, you can contact Omnia. * Client Secret is developed in Omnia, if you need help with these, you can contact Omnia. Then fill in these details when you create an Omnia integration in PLAYipp. Settings in Omnia JSON screen keys in Omnia need to be set according to the following so that we can display it in widgets. * What will become preamble text should be called preamble.  * What will become body text should be called body or mainBody. * What should be used as the sender should be called authorName. * What should be used as a title should be called title. * What should be used as the publication date should be called createdDate. * Images should be links named fullImage. Screen keys has to be URI safe. Do not use blank spaces or characters like 'ÅÄÖ'. For an example, choose "gavle_1" as you screen key instead of "Gävle 1".  
Connect your Mspecs to your screens. Display houses, apartments and other estates that will update on the screens after you change them in Mspecs. Contact us to setup an Mspecs integration. We need a couple of things to be able to activate the integration. * You need to have a company admin in Mspecs who goes into the Mspecs marketplace and adds PLAYipp as a service. For more info on how to do this, read Mspec's help article: https://support.mspecs.se/support/solutions/articles/13000093204-aktivera-tj%C3%A4nster-i-mspecs * Get your company's organization ID, this is needed so that we can distinguish your Mspecs from other customers. Send your organization ID to your contact person at PLAYipp. We will then get back to you when Mspecs is set up, or if we need more information.  
The Church of Sweden's calendars (Former Aveny)
With an integration with the Church of Sweden's calendars, you can display a calendar with events from the Church of Sweden's calendar on your screens. To add an integration and post it on your screen. Follow these steps: 1. Click "Integrations" 2. Click "Svenska Kyrkans kalender" 3. Click "Add to PLAYipp" 4. Click "Activate connection" 5. Search for your church or parish. 6. Click "Add source" 7. If you want to filter to just one type of event, do it here. If you do not filter, all types will be displayed 8. Click this icon or "Signage" 9. Click "Publish" 10. Click on the location or group you want to show integration in. 11. Click the area that you want to display the integration in 12. Click "Add new" 13. Click “Automated content” 14. Click Add calendar events 15. Click "Svenska kyrkans kalender" 16. Click on the calendar you want to display 17. To change the display type, you click on display type and click on the display type you want to change to 18. To change general settings, click on it to expand the settings. 19. To change event settings, click on it to expand the settings. 20. Click on Add to playlist 21. Click here to change the name of the widget 22. Click here 23. Click here to select a folder to save the widget to 24. Click select folder 25. Click save  
With an integration with Tableau, you can display reports from Tableau on your screens. You can publish several reports and with PLAYipp's help schedule and publish the information in the right place at the right time to create maximum relevance. If you want to create an integration, you must have both an account in Tableau and PLAYipp. To create the integration, you need to follow the steps below. 1. Click "Integrations" 2. Click "Tableau" 3. Click "Add to PLAYipp" 4. You will now see 4 fields that you must fill in Site URL and site name. This can be found in the URL in your Tableau portal Note! These are just examples! You will have to look up your own Site URL and Site name. Token name and token secret. You will need to create this from your settings in Tableau. You can read how you create this here: https://help.tableau.com/current/pro/desktop/en-us/useracct.htm#create-and-revoke-personal-access-tokens 5. Click "Authenticate" 6. Click "Add source" 7. Click this icon 8. Click "Publish" 9. Click on the location or group you want to display the report on 10. Click on the area you want o display the report on. 11. Click "Add new" 12. Click “Automated content” 13. Click Add business intelligence 14. Click Tableau 15. Click on the source you want to display 16. Click on add to playlist 17. Click here and give your widget a name 18. Click select folder 19. Click on the folder you want to save the widget to 20. Click select folder 21. Click save
Microsoft teams setup
With an integration with teams, you can display all posts in channels in a information flow on your screens. Follow these steps to add the integration: 1. Click "Integrations" 2. Click "Microsoft Teams" 3. Click "Add to PLAYipp" 4. Click "Authenticate Microsoft Teams account" 5. Click "Add source" Now you have a source that you can use in a feed widget. can can follow this guide to see how you add a feed widget here: How to add a feed widget