To use a QUICKnote template to publish information, read the following article Use a QUICKnote template
Create a QUICKnote template
A QUICKnote template is always created for a specific area. You can create an unlimited number of templates for each area. Templates are an easy way to publish information quick and easy. Use QUICKnote templates instead of posters, PowerPoint or other document files.
To create a new template or change existing ones. Select Signage > QUICKnote templates and choose your area.
If you do not see this option, you do not have the right to create or change in QUICKnote templates. Then contact your account administrator.
Overview of QUICKnote tool (Picture 1/2)
When working with templates and fields, you can only work within the white working area. You can't drag any fields outside the white working area.
- Add field. Drag the field that you want to use from the field list to the template.
- Select and enable mesh grids. When activating a mesh, the fields in the template are moved to fixed positions instead of moving freely. Drag a field into the template by drag and drop.
- Show / Do not show field edges. The stretched edges that show a field spread are never displayed on a screen. The dashed edges are only available for visualization in field propagation in the template manager.
- Zoom. Zoom in / out of the template
- Name or rename the template. Click on the name to name the template. Give the template a name that shows its scope or type of information the template is supposed to contain.
- Quick Menu. Click on a field in the template to get quick options for the most common settings for the field. The company's fonts and colors. All the fonts and colors available are set in the main Menu > Signage > Typeface and colors. Below the pop-up menu, each field's right-hand option also displays the symbol of a padlock. When creating a template, each field's properties can be locked down so that the template works and is used as desired.
- Set display time. Set the display time the template should have when it's published. The display time can always be edited later in the playlist.
- Save the template. All saved templates are found under each area in Publish. Signage > Publish > Select location or group > Select area > + Add > Templates
- Close the template tool.
Overview of QUICKnote tool (Picture 2/2)
- Fields menu. All fields used in a template are listed in the field menu. The field at the top of the list is the top layer in the template. Click the field name to rename the field in the field list.
- Settings. Under settings, you can give the template a name and set display time on the template. These settings are exactly the same as under points 5. and 7. under Figure 1 above.
- Field order - Change order and couple fields. Grab the fields and move the fields up or down the list by drag and drop. Also couple fields with each other by dropping fields on top of each other in the field list. Please note that the field that you want to drop another field on must be lit gray for the coupling function to work. Couple fields with each other to for example prevent text in one field from overwriting text in another field. Also, to prevent text for overwriting an image. It is possible to couple all types of fields.
- Field Settings. Each field added have more settings available. Click between the field name and field tendencies to open the settings menu.
- Media library. Upload directories or single images to the media library by drag and drop from the desktop. Depending on user rights, sometimes, not all directories on the account may appear.
- Symbols / Shapes. Symbols and shapes can be used to easily create graphic elements on a template. Use the opacity setting on a rectangle form to create a background element behind captions, etc.
+ Add
Click on add to get a list of all the different fields that you can add to your template.
Text: Text box.
Moving text: Moving text may be useful for alerts and to pay extra attention to specific information. TIP! By using HTML encoding found under field settings, image 2 point 4, and create scrolling slideshows linking to pictures on the web.
Date: Shows today's date. TIP! Create a QUICKnote template containing only one date field. Then publish the date template into a dedicated date area in a layout.
Clock: Displays the current time. TIP! Create a QUICKnote template containing only one clock field. Then publish the clock template in a dedicated clock area in a layout.
Image: Adds a picture field.
Shape: Forms and symbols can be used to easily and quickly create graphic elements into a template. Use transparency / opacity, for example a rectangle, to create background elements behind captions.
Stamp: Shows who published the information and / or what date the information was published.
Background: Use a color or image as the background in a template. TIP! Use the opacity setting on the background to create templates that look more customized to the layout.