Manage content
A collection of 23 articles
Publish files
Publish content
In PLAYipp, you can upload a variety of file types, widgets and web content.
This can be mixed in a playlist so that it scrolls between all content. If you
want the same content to be displayed statically in a area, you leave it alone
in the playlist, then it will be displayed until you add something more or
remove it.
If you want to read more about how the playlist works, you can do so here: The
In addition to uploading images, videos, files, etc., you can create content
directly in playipp. This is done with Quicknote templates and various
integrations. Quicknote templates allow you to create messages with text and
images to be displayed on your screen. Integrations retrieve information from
other systems and display them in ready-made widgets.
You can read more about how to create Quicknote templates here: Create a
QUICKnote template
You can read about integrations in these articles: Integrations and functions
You are able to upload a variety of different ones and mix them exactly as you
want. We have created a guide for each type of file so you can easily follow.
You can find them here:
Pictures: Publish pictures
Videos: Publish video
PDF, Powerpoint and office documents: Publish PDF, Powerpoint, Office-document
HTML files: Publish HTML-files
Web links, HLS and youtube: Web links, Youtube & HLS stream
Publish PDF, Powerpoint, Office-document
ATTENTION! Instead of using PowerPoint, we recommend using our Quicknote tool to
post images and text. Then you can easily edit the presentation afterwards and
ensure that you get the right font.
We recommend saving your PowerPoint as a PDF for the best experience before
uploading it to the playlist.
If the file contains animations, choose to export your PowerPoint as .mp4
(video) and then upload the video.
If you still choose to publish a PowerPoint, it needs to be adapted to get the
right resolution on the screen. This requires a formula as PowerPoint uses cm
instead of pixels. It is automatically calculated and displayed under Tips &
trix on the right side.
To upload a PDF, powerpoint or office document, follow these steps:
NOTE the steps below upload a PDF but it is the same step for powerpoint or
office document
1. Click here
2. Click "Publish"
3. Click the location or group you want to publish to
4. Click the area you want to publish to
5. Click "Add new"
6. Click "PDF"
7. Click "Choose files"
8. Choose the file you want to upload
9. Here you can change name of the file
10. Here you can change the time per page
11. Here you can choose what folder to save the file to
12. Click "Next step"
13. Choose if you want to schedule your video or if you want it to always show.
You can read more how you schedule content here: Scheduling
14. Click "Publish"
Publish web links
To publish a web link, all you need is a link to the web page
You can also use website screenshots to display web pages. Then you can script a
login, choose what buttons should be clicked, etc. You can read more about
website screenshots here: Website screenshot
1. Click on “Signage”
2. Click on “Publish”
3. Choose the screen location or group you want to publish to
4. Click on your area you want to publish to
5. Click on “add new”
6. Click upload
7. Choose Webpage
8. Paste the link to the content you want to show and click next.
9. Now you need to give the object a name. This name will be shown in the
playlist. You also need set a play length and choose what folder to save
the object to.
10. In this step you will be able to schedule the object if you want to. If you
want the object to show until further choose always show. You can read more
about how schedules work here: Scheduling
11. The link or clip will soon be displayed on the screen
You are not able to edit a published web link in the playlist and need to
publish it again if you want to make an edit.
Publish video
Tip! For best results; use videos that have the same, or higher resolution than
what it will be published on. Recommended file format is .MP4
1. Click here
2. Click "Publish"
3. Click the location or group you want to publish to
4. Click the area you want to publish to
5. Click "Add new"
6. Click "Video"
7. Click "Choose files"
8. Choose the video you want to upload
9. Here you can change name of the video
10. Here you can choose what folder the video is saved to
11. Click "Next step"
12. Choose if you want to schedule your video or if you want it to always show.
You can read more how you schedule content here: Scheduling
13. Click "Publish"
Publish pictures
One of the most common file format to publish in PLAYipp is pictures. To get the
best result on your pictures, it's important to choose the best file format for
your that specific picture. Photos should be in a JPG format and logos or
illustrations should be PNG. For best results; use images that have the same or
higher resolution than the surface image to be published on. The same applies if
you drastically reduce the size of an image. Then many details can disappear.
To publish a picture, follow the steps below
1. Click here
2. Click "Publish"
3. Click the location or group you want to publish to
4. Click the area you want to publish to
5. Click "Add new"
6. Click "Images"
7. Click "Choose files"
8. Choose the image you want to upload
9. You will now be asked to crop the image. If you don't do that, it will be
adjusted automatically. If we click yes, we will be able to crop the image
10. If you click here, the image will center the image and adjust it as large
as possible without cropping anything.
11. If you click here, the image will scale to 1:1
12. If you click here, the image will fill the entire surface and crop as much
as necessary to fill the entire surface.
13. By clicking and dragging here, you can zoom the image yourself.
14. By clicking and dragging the image, you can move it and choose how it
should be cropped.
15. When you are done with how you want to crop the image, click "Save”
16. Here you can change the name of your image that you upload.
17. Click here to change the playing length of the image.
Playlength is how long the image will appear in the playlist before the
next item appears.
18. Here you can choose which folder the image should be saved in.
19. Click "Next step"
20. Choose if you want to schedule your widget or if you want it to always
show. You can read more how you schedule content here: Scheduling
21. Click "Publish"
Publish HTML-files
1. Click here
2. Click "Publish"
3. Click the location or group you want to publish to
4. Click the area you want to publish to
5. Click "Add new"
6. Click Upload
7. Click "HTML files"
8. Click "Choose files"
9. Choose you file you want to upload
10. Here you can change name on your file
11. Click here to change the playing length of the image. Playlength is how
long the image will appear in the playlist before the next item appears.
12. Here you can change the folder to save the file to.
13. Click "Next step"
14. Choose if you want to schedule your widget or if you want it to always
show. You can read more how you schedule content here: Scheduling
15. Click "Publish"
Use a QUICKnote template
Publish and use a QUCKnote template
This article goes through how to publish and add information in an already
created QUCKnote template.
Create new and more QUICKnote templates by navigating to Screen > QUICKnote
templates . Select the layout and specific area for which you want to create a
QUCKnote template. Learn more about creating new QUICKnote templates here:
Create a QUICKnote template
Publish a template to a screen location or screen group
1. Select Publish in the main menu.
2. Select a group or a location to publish to.
Click on the area in the layout to be updated.
3. Click +Add new and choose QUICKnote.
Select an already created template or use an empty QUCKnote template. The
"empty QUCKnote template" option is only visible to users who have this
viewing right added on their account. All templates created and saved for
the current area appears as optional alternatives.
Overview of the QUICKnote tool
1. Field
Fold out the field menu
2. Settings
Fold ut the settings menu
3. Grid
Activate/Deactivate the grid
4. Undo
Undo latest change
5. Zoom
Zoom in/out
6. Title in the playlist
Object name in playlist
7. Object name in playlist
Object view time in playlist
8. Publish
Publish template and schedule
9. Close
Close without saving
10. Files
Fold out the media library
11. Symbols/Forms
Can be used to create a graphic design. Use the opacity on a rectangle to
create a background for headlines and so on.
The construction of templates
A template is created by using fields. The fields that can be edited are marked
with a dashed frame. The example below contains a text field and an image field
that can be edited, while the title is locked and cannot be changed.
Whether a field is locked or editable depends on the template right setting in
the current field. These settings are specified when building the template. If
any setting options shown in the overview image above dosen´t appear, the
template must first be unlocked. Unlocking a template can only be performed by
those authorized to do so.
To edit a text field:
1. Double-click the text to mark it. Then you can edit the text
To edit an image field:
1. Click on the image field. The "Change Image" button, located at top
center, will now be visible. If the image field already contains an image,
any cropping may now appear outside the image field frame.
2. Click Change Image. The file library opens up.
3. Select an already uploaded image from any of your folders or upload a new
Crop an image in a image field
1. Crop an image in an image field. Make sure both croup mode and cropping mode
are enabled (the icons will turn blue).
2. Grab one of the image's corner points and enlarge the image by dragging the
corner point outward.
3. All parts of the picture that is outside the image frame will turn grey.
4. When you're satisfied with the image size you can also drag and drop the
image to change its location in the image field.
5. Disable crop mode to give the image its new crop and location in the image
6. Once you have filled in information in the fields you want to use
click publish in the upper right corner and proceed to the scheduling. Read
more about scheduling here.
* When cropping an image by dragging its headers zooms in the image. If the
image has a lower resolution than the template's image field the image can be
perceived as pixelated as it appears on a screen.
* If you pull in an edge point instead of a corner point the picture will be
scaled off disproportionately.
Create a QUICKnote template
To use a QUICKnote template to publish information, read the following article
Use a QUICKnote template
Create a QUICKnote template
A QUICKnote template is always created for a specific area. You can create an
unlimited number of templates for each area. Templates are an easy way to
publish information quick and easy. Use QUICKnote templates instead of posters,
PowerPoint or other document files.
To create a new template or change existing ones. Select Signage > QUICKnote
templates and choose your area.
If you do not see this option, you do not have the right to create or change in
QUICKnote templates. Then contact your account administrator.
Overview of QUICKnote tool (Picture 1/2)
When working with templates and fields, you can only work within the white
working area. You can't drag any fields outside the white working area.
1. Add field. Drag the field that you want to use from the field list to the
2. Select and enable mesh grids. When activating a mesh, the fields in the
template are moved to fixed positions instead of moving freely. Drag a field
into the template by drag and drop.
3. Show / Do not show field edges. The stretched edges that show a field spread
are never displayed on a screen. The dashed edges are only available for
visualization in field propagation in the template manager.
4. Zoom. Zoom in / out of the template
5. Name or rename the template. Click on the name to name the template. Give
the template a name that shows its scope or type of information the template
is supposed to contain.
6. Quick Menu. Click on a field in the template to get quick options for the
most common settings for the field. The company's fonts and colors. All the
fonts and colors available are set in the main Menu > Signage > Typeface and
colors. Below the pop-up menu, each field's right-hand option also displays
the symbol of a padlock. When creating a template, each field's properties
can be locked down so that the template works and is used as desired.
7. Set display time. Set the display time the template should have when it's
published. The display time can always be edited later in the playlist.
8. Save the template. All saved templates are found under each area in
Publish. Signage > Publish > Select location or group > Select area > + Add
> Templates
9. Close the template tool.
Overview of QUICKnote tool (Picture 2/2)
1. Fields menu. All fields used in a template are listed in the field menu. The
field at the top of the list is the top layer in the template. Click the
field name to rename the field in the field list.
2. Settings. Under settings, you can give the template a name and set display
time on the template. These settings are exactly the same as under points 5.
and 7. under Figure 1 above.
3. Field order - Change order and couple fields. Grab the fields and move the
fields up or down the list by drag and drop. Also couple fields with each
other by dropping fields on top of each other in the field list. Please note
that the field that you want to drop another field on must be lit gray for
the coupling function to work. Couple fields with each other to for example
prevent text in one field from overwriting text in another field. Also, to
prevent text for overwriting an image. It is possible to couple all types of
4. Field Settings. Each field added have more settings available. Click between
the field name and field tendencies to open the settings menu.
5. Media library. Upload directories or single images to the media library by
drag and drop from the desktop. Depending on user rights, sometimes, not all
directories on the account may appear.
6. Symbols / Shapes. Symbols and shapes can be used to easily create graphic
elements on a template. Use the opacity setting on a rectangle form to
create a background element behind captions, etc.
+ Add
Click on add to get a list of all the different fields that you can add to your
Text: Text box.
Moving text: Moving text may be useful for alerts and to pay extra attention to
specific information. TIP! By using HTML encoding found under field settings,
image 2 point 4, and create scrolling slideshows linking to pictures on the web.
Date: Shows today's date. TIP! Create a QUICKnote template containing only one
date field. Then publish the date template into a dedicated date area in a
Clock: Displays the current time. TIP! Create a QUICKnote template containing
only one clock field. Then publish the clock template in a dedicated clock area
in a layout.
Image: Adds a picture field.
Shape: Forms and symbols can be used to easily and quickly create graphic
elements into a template. Use transparency / opacity, for example a rectangle,
to create background elements behind captions.
Stamp: Shows who published the information and / or what date the information
was published.
Background: Use a color or image as the background in a template. TIP! Use the
opacity setting on the background to create templates that look more customized
to the layout.
With Unsplash you can add stock photos from unsplash into a QUICKnote. To be
able to add pictures from unsplash you need to have the user rights to upload
To add a picture from unsplash you follow these steps:
1. Click here
2. Click here
3. A modal will appear at the top of the modal you can search for pictures
4. Once you have found a picture you hover click select
5. Click here and give the picture a name
6. Click here and choose a folder to save the picture to
7. Click add image
8. Now you can navigate to the folder we saved the picture to
9. in my this case we saved to a folder called grundmaterial
10. And here our picture is. You can now use it as any other picture that you
have uploaded.
How does widgets work
Widgets are smart playlist objects that retrieve information from other systems.
A widget can, for example, display the weather for 3 days ahead, your latest
posts on Instagram, departures in local traffic, calendars from Outlook or
Google and much, much more.
Most widgets require an integration or function. Integrations and functions can
be found in the main menu. (do you not see that option in the main menu and then
have to talk to your account administrators)
You can read more about our integrations and functions here:
The feeds can be used by several integrations to display feeds eg: Instagram,
Facebook, RSS and Omnia, Microsoft yammer, Spintr and WordPress.
You can see how to add a feed widget here: How to add a feed widget
Events are used to display information from calendars such as: BRP, Beework,
Google calendar, Microsoft calendar, Visbook.
You can see how to add an Event widget here: How to add an event widget
How to add a feed widget
Feed widgets can be used in several integrations to display feeds e.g.:
Instagram, Facebook, RSS, Omnia, Microsoft Viva engage, Spintr and WordPress.
First, you need to add an integration against a system. You do this via
Integrations and then select your system that you want to integrate with. You
can see how to do that in these articles: Integrations and functions
To add a feed widget, follow these steps:
1. Click here
2. Click Publish
3. Click the location or group you want to publish to
4. Click the area you want to publish to
5. Click on Add new
6. Click on Automated content
7. Click add feeds
8. Click on the integration you want to display.
9. Click on the source you want to display
10. Under display type you can change the feed shall look like. (This was
earlier called templates)
You can customize how the feed shall look like in the next steps
11. If you click on general settings you have some options to customize the
12. If you click on content settings you have some options to customize how the
content looks like in the feed
13. When you are happy with your feed click on Add to playlist
14. Click here and give your feed a name
15. Click select folder
16. Click on the folder you want to save the feed to.
17. Click select folder
18. Click save
How to add an event widget
Event widgets can be used in several integrations to display events such as:
BRP, Google calendar, Microsoft calendar and Visbook. First, you need to add an
integration against a system. You do this via Integrations and then select your
system that you want to integrate with. You can see how to do that in these
articles: Integrations and functions
To add a widget, follow these steps:
1. Click on signage
2. Click the location or group you want to publish to
3. Click the area you want to publish to
4. Click on Add new
5. Click on automated content
6. Click on Add calendar events
7. Click on the integration you want to display.
8. Click on the source you want to display
9. Under display type you can change how it shall look like. (This was earlier
called templates)
You can customize how the calendar shall look like in the next steps
10. If you click on general settings you have some options to customize the
11. If you click on Event settings you have some options to customize how the
events looks like in the calendar
12. When you are happy with your calendar click on Add to playlist
13. Click here and give your calendar a name
14. Click Select folder
15. Click on the folder you want to save the calendar to
16. Click select folder
17. Click save
Up and down counters
Are you longing for the next company party or want to know how long it has been
since the last party? Then we have both up and down counters that you can show
on your screens. Follow these steps to see how you add a counter to your screen.
1. Click here
2. Click "Publish"
3. Click on the location or area you want to publish the counter to.
4. Click the area you want to publish to
5. Click "Add new"
6. Click “Automated content”
7. Click "Add counter"
8. Click here to change between up and down counter
9. Click here and set the time and date for the up or down counter
10. Here you can edit the name above the counter
11. Click "Time units"
12. Here you can turn off the time units you don't want to show
13. Click here to go back
14. Click here to access general settings for the counter
15. Click here to access the settings for the title field
16. Here you have options for font, font weight, font size and font color
17. Click here to go back
18. When you are happy with your counter, click Add to playlist.
19. Click here if you want to change the name of the counter
20. Click "Select folder"
21. Click on the folder you want to save the counter to
22. Click "Select folder"
23. Click "Save"
ICal Calendar
Ical is one of several sets to display one or more calendars on a screen. We
have integrations with Google's and Microsoft's calendars. You can see how to
set them up here:
Google: Google Calendar
Microsoft: Microsoft Calendar
If you have an Ical link and want to load and display it on a screen, follow
these steps:
1. Click on integrations
2. Click on Ical
3. Click add to PLAYipp
4. Click on Activate connection
5. Give your source a name, This can be the name of the calendar or similar
6. Paste your ical link here
7. Click add
8. Now there is a source that you can use in an event widget. You can read more
about how to add event widgets here: How to add a event widget
Guide for Media Library
These are the basic functions for using the media library in PLAYipp. By
creating a clear folder structure, you can easily organize and manage all the
material uploaded to the system.
In PLAYipp, folders and content may be accessible based on the rights assigned
to your user profile. This means that different users see different folders and
resources depending on their role and permission level. For example, if you have
administrator rights, you can see and manage all folders, while a user with
limited rights only has access to the folders and files that have been
specifically shared with them. Check your rights with an administrator if you
lack access to a specific folder.
To access the media library in PLAYipp, navigate to the "Signage" and "Publish"
menu. Click on the circle with four lines at the top right. When you click on
this circle, the media library expands, giving you an overview of your folders.
If you have a new account, you can only see a default folder named "Media".
If you have a more structured account, you can see more folders that you and
your team have created.
If you prefer to view the media library as a "tree" instead of in a folder view,
you can easily switch by clicking on the tree structure icon. This gives you a
more hierarchical overview of folders and subfolders.
To view the contents of a folder, click on it. To create new folders, use the
"add new folder" button. If you want to create a subfolder, you must first open
the folder and then click on "add new folder".
If you want to delete a folder, hover over the folder and click on the "..."
button, where you will find an option to delete the folder.
The structure of the media library can vary depending on your needs. A good way
to organize the material is to follow your screen structure. Here is an example
of a recommended structure:
* Main folders for each country: E.g., Sweden and Norway.
* Subfolders for cities or offices: Under Norway, you can create a subfolder
for Oslo. Under Sweden, you can create subfolders for different offices in
cities like Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö.
Another good idea is to create shared folders for materials that are
company-wide, such as a folder with images that all users can access.
Upload and delete files
All content that you add to the playlist will be saved in the media library. If
you want to upload files without publishing them, you can do so directly to the
media library. To upload files, open a folder and drag the files to the top or
use the upload button to select the files you want to upload. If you want to
delete a file, hover over the file, click on the three dots ("..."), and select
the option to delete the file.
The playlist
The screen is divided into different areas through the layout, Each area that
you create in the layout has its own playlist connected to it. It is in these
playlists that you publish all content.
To enter the playlist, follow these steps:
1. Click here
2. Click "Publish"
3. Click on the location or area.
4. Click the area you for the playlist.
You are now in a playlist. The playlist is built so that it shows the first
active item, Shows it for the play length (mm:ss) it is set to and then shows
the next one, When it gets to the bottom of the playlist, it will start over at
the first item again. (Red arrows)
If you want to change the order of the items in the playlist, click and drag the
handles on the left side (Green arrow)
Sometimes you will come across objects with a padlock. This means that they
belong to a group and must be edited in that group, you can read about that
here: My objects are locked with a padlock, how do I unlock them?
At the right, there is a colored button. It can have 4 different colors.
Green means it is currently active and should be displayed on screen.
Orange means it is scheduled and will be displayed.
Red means it is scheduled and has been shown but is not scheduled to be shown in
the future.
You can read more about scheduling here: Scheduling
Gray means it is disabled. Then someone has entered via the "..." button. and
selected disable. If you want to activate it again, click on the “…” button and
click activate again. (see below)
If you want only one or a few items to be displayed during a specific period
instead of the already existing items in the playlist, you can use priorities
and scheduling together. An example could be to show a lunch menu between 10-13
or information about whether there will be a fire drill on Friday.
Priority works by showing only the active items with the highest priority level.
If the object is deleted or if the scheduling has ended, the priority level will
drop to the next level with active objects.
You can also set a higher priority level for objects. This can be good if you
always schedule items. If the scheduling extends to all standard objects, then
you can have an object as a reserve (Fallback) which is displayed if nothing
else is active.
By default, these three priority levels are available to choose from:
Standard: The default level that all new items receive.
Prio: A step higher than the standard level, if you set items as "Prio" then
only those items will be displayed.
Backup: One step lower than the standard level, displayed if no other item is
active in the playlist.
To change the priority, follow these steps:
1. Click here on the "..."-button
2. Click on "Edit priority"
3. Click here.
4. Choose the priority level you want to change to.
5. When you have changed priority level on an object there will appear a
divider that shows what items that are playing and those who has lower
priority and does not appear on the screen.
Power save mode
The power save mode allows you to set when you want your screen or screens to be
powered on. To put the screen in a power save mode, for example when the office
is closed, is good for the environment and prolongs the screens longevity.
Note! The power save mode is not supported on all screens. If you find that the
screen doesn't power off or power on properly, we recommend using the screens
own power save mode instead.
1. Click “Signage”
2. Click on the location or group you want to activate power save mode on.
3. Click on an area. It doesn't matter which area you click on.
4. Click here
5. Click “Power save mode”
6. Click here
You have 3 different types of schedules to choose from. When you set a
schedule, you choose when the screen should be on. The rest of the time it
goes into power saving mode. (if no schedules are set up the screen will be
on 24/7)
You can read how they work here: Scheduling
In order to be able to automate when your content should be displayed, schedules
are used. With these, you can then choose when the content should be displayed.
There are three different scheduling options. From & to date, Always show and
Advanced schedule. We will get to these a little further down.
Tip! You can add multiple schedules to the same object!
In the playlist, there is a button on each item that indicates its scheduling
status. The color of the scheduling button indicates whether the item is
currently showing, will be showing, is finished, or disabled.
The item is active and is being displayed. The item will be displayed until it
is removed or disabled in the playlist.
The item is active and currently displayed, but has a schedule. The item will be
displayed until the specified date. The button will then turn orange if there is
another schedule in the future, or red if there is nothing to schedule.
The item is not currently displayed but is scheduled to be displayed from the
specified date and time.
The item has been scheduled to finish and is no longer displayed on the screen.
The item has been deactivated by a user. You can read more about that here: The
From & to date
The scheduling mode From & to date is used when you want an object to be shown
between two different times and/or dates. For example: Wed 25 Oct 2017 at
00:00 to Sun 29 Oct 2017 at 23:59
1. Choose the date and time when you want the object to appear on the screen.
The object will appear on the screen immediately if no date or time is
chosen in the schedule.
2. Choose the date and time when you want the object to stop appearing on the
screen. The object will appear on the screen until further notice if no date
or time is chosen in the schedule.
Always show
The object will appear on the screen until someone removes or inactivate it in
the playlist.
Advanced schedule
With an advanced schedule, you can create custom schedules. If you want an
object to appear only on Fridays or under lunch break on weekdays.
There are two different advanced schedules: Same hours each day and Different
hours each day.
Same hours each day
1. Choose which days that the object will appear. When a day is marked blue,
the object will appear on the screen on that day.
2. Choose between which hours the object will appear on your chosen days.
3. Choose the date and time that the schedule will start. The schedule will
start immediately if no date or time is chosen in the schedule.
4. Choose the date and time when the schedule shall stop. The schedule will be
active until further notice if no date or time is chosen in the schedule.
Different hours each day
1. Choose which days that you want the object to appear on the screen. When a
day is marked blue the object will be shown that day.
2. Choose between which hours the object will appear on the chosen days.
3. Choose the date and time that the schedule will start. The schedule will
start immediately if no date or time is chosen in the schedule.
4. Choose the date and time when you want the schedule to stop. The schedule
will be active until further notice if no date or time is chosen in the
Copy object to other playlist
If you want to move items from one playlist to another, there is a function just
for that. You can use this function to both copy between the same area on
different screens or different areas on the same screen.
To move items between two playlists, follow these steps:
1. Click this button to display all options for the item
2. Click on “Copy to other playlist”
3. Go to the new playlist that you want to paste the object to.
4. Click "Yes"
5. Click on this button
Soft transitions
If you want a Soft transition between your objects, you can activate it on your
area. Then there will be a Fade In/Fade Out transition between all items in the
To enable this, follow these steps:
1. Click "Signage"
2. Click "Screen layouts"
3. Click this icon.
4. Click "Edit"
5. Click on your area.
6. Click "Advanced"
7. Enable soft transitions.
8. Click "Save & close"
The player will now update the content and enable Soft transitions.
Kilkaya can be used without an integration on PLAYipp screens. You will need to
create a link from Kilkaya which you then post as a web link in playipp.
Start by creating this link. you see how to do it here:
When you have a weblink you need to add it as a weblink to a playlist. To add it
follow these steps:
1. Click "Signage"
2. Click on the location or group you want to publish the link on.
3. Click on the area you want to show publish to.
4. Click "Add new"
5. Click "Upload"
6. Click "Webpage"
7. Paste the link from Kilkaya here.
8. Click "Next step"
9. Here you can give the link a name so it makes it easier to identify the
10. Click here to set the playlength that you want the link to show in the
11. Choose a folder to save the link to
12. Click "Next step"
13. Choose if you want to schedule your link or if you want it to always show.
You can read more how you schedule content here: Scheduling
14. Click "Publish"
The link is now published on your screen and will start showing soon.
Publish google docs file
Google spreadsheets can be used without an integration in PLAYipp. You need to
generate a link that you can then display as a web page on your screen.
NOTE: Depending on what kind of security you have in your Google environment,
this option may not be available.
1. Click File
2. Flick Share > Publish to web
3. Click Publish
4. Click OK
5. Copy this link
6. Click here
7. Click Publish
8. Choose the screen location or group you want to publish to
9. Click on your area you want to publish to
10. Click on add new
11. Click on Upload
12. Click on Webpage
13. Paste the link here
14. Click next step
15. Now you need to give the object a name. This name will be shown in the
playlist. You also need to set a play length and choose what folder to save
the object to.
16. Click next step
17. In this step, you will be able to schedule the object if you want to. If
you want the object to show until further, choose always show. You can read
more about how schedules work here: Scheduling
18. Click Publish