The screen is divided into different areas through the layout, Each area that you create in the layout has its own playlist connected to it. It is in these playlists that you publish all content.
To enter the playlist, follow these steps:
- Click here
- Click "Publish"
- Click on the location or area.
- Click the area you for the playlist.
You are now in a playlist. The playlist is built so that it shows the first active item, Shows it for the play length (mm:ss) it is set to and then shows the next one, When it gets to the bottom of the playlist, it will start over at the first item again. (Red arrows)
If you want to change the order of the items in the playlist, click and drag the handles on the left side (Green arrow)
Sometimes you will come across objects with a padlock. This means that they belong to a group and must be edited in that group, you can read about that here: My objects are locked with a padlock, how do I unlock them?
At the right, there is a colored button. It can have 4 different colors.
Green means it is currently active and should be displayed on screen.
Orange means it is scheduled and will be displayed.
Red means it is scheduled and has been shown but is not scheduled to be shown in the future.
You can read more about scheduling here: Scheduling
Gray means it is disabled. Then someone has entered via the "..." button. and selected disable. If you want to activate it again, click on the “…” button and click activate again. (see below)