ATTENTION! Instead of using PowerPoint, we recommend using our Quicknote tool to post images and text. Then you can easily edit the presentation afterwards and ensure that you get the right font.
We recommend saving your PowerPoint as a PDF for the best experience before uploading it to the playlist.
If the file contains animations, choose to export your PowerPoint as .mp4 (video) and then upload the video.
If you still choose to publish a PowerPoint, it needs to be adapted to get the right resolution on the screen. This requires a formula as PowerPoint uses cm instead of pixels. It is automatically calculated and displayed under Tips & trix on the right side.
To upload a PDF, powerpoint or office document, follow these steps:
NOTE the steps below upload a PDF but it is the same step for powerpoint or office document
- Click here
- Click "Publish"
- Click the location or group you want to publish to
- Click the area you want to publish to
- Click "Add new"
- Click "PDF"
- Click "Choose files"
- Choose the file you want to upload
- Here you can change name of the file
- Here you can change the time per page
- Here you can choose what folder to save the file to
- Click "Next step"
- Choose if you want to schedule your video or if you want it to always show. You can read more how you schedule content here: Scheduling
- Click "Publish"