
Guide for Media Library

These are the basic functions for using the media library in PLAYipp. By creating a clear folder structure, you can easily organize and manage all the material uploaded to the system.

In PLAYipp, folders and content may be accessible based on the rights assigned to your user profile. This means that different users see different folders and resources depending on their role and permission level. For example, if you have administrator rights, you can see and manage all folders, while a user with limited rights only has access to the folders and files that have been specifically shared with them. Check your rights with an administrator if you lack access to a specific folder.

To access the media library in PLAYipp, navigate to the "Signage" and "Publish" menu. Click on the circle with four lines at the top right. When you click on this circle, the media library expands, giving you an overview of your folders.


If you have a new account, you can only see a default folder named "Media".
If you have a more structured account, you can see more folders that you and your team have created.

If you prefer to view the media library as a "tree" instead of in a folder view, you can easily switch by clicking on the tree structure icon. This gives you a more hierarchical overview of folders and subfolders.


Explore and manage folders

To view the contents of a folder, click on it. To create new folders, use the "add new folder" button. If you want to create a subfolder, you must first open the folder and then click on "add new folder".

If you want to delete a folder, hover over the folder and click on the "..." button, where you will find an option to delete the folder.

Structure your media library

The structure of the media library can vary depending on your needs. A good way to organize the material is to follow your screen structure. Here is an example of a recommended structure:

  • Main folders for each country: E.g., Sweden and Norway.

  • Subfolders for cities or offices: Under Norway, you can create a subfolder for Oslo. Under Sweden, you can create subfolders for different offices in cities like Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö.

Another good idea is to create shared folders for materials that are company-wide, such as a folder with images that all users can access.

Upload and delete files

All content that you add to the playlist will be saved in the media library. If you want to upload files without publishing them, you can do so directly to the media library. To upload files, open a folder and drag the files to the top or use the upload button to select the files you want to upload. If you want to delete a file, hover over the file, click on the three dots ("..."), and select the option to delete the file.

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