
There is no sound coming from the screen?

"I've added a video to one of my playlists but I can't hear any sound. How do I activate it?"

The sound is muted on every area in the layout by default. To activate the sound follow the steps below:

  1. Select Signage in the main menu, and then choose Sceen layouts
    Skärmbild 2022-06-22 093417.png

  2. Click on Edit layout on your layout.
    Skärmbild 2022-06-22 093713.png

  3. Click on the area that you want to activate the sound on
    Skärmbild 2022-06-22 093949.png

  4. Under advanced you can activate the sound by checking the box 
    Skärmbild 2022-06-22 094241.png


Remember to turn the volume up on the screen and also check that the screen has built in speakers. Some screens also have a button on the side of the screen to mute the sound.

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