
Frequently Asked Questions

A collection of 24 articles
Common error messages
We have collected the most common error messages, what they mean and how to solve them quickly and easily. Should it still be the case that you still need assistans you are of course welcome to contact us and we will help you! Error: Cause Solution: Invalid access token The token to the key is need to be refresh Contact support@playipp.com with the screen id displayed on the screen No active data The published data is not activated in the playlist Activate the playlist or wait a couple of minutes No available data There is no content uploaded in the playlist. You need to upload content to the playlist. The player has no channel or region connected No screen location is connected to the media player. You need to connect a screen location to the media player. Could not aquire activation code This usually means that the wrong version of PLAYipp has been installed. Check that the correct software has been installed to the correct screen model. 3 green circles but no activation code This usually means that the screen clock is set incorrectly. Review the screen settings for the watch and set it correctly. Samsung & LG: Could not download app  This usually means that the screen clock is set incorrectly. Review the screen settings for the watch and set it correctly. Playlist locked A change has been made to the playlist for the selected screen that has not been confirmed by the user. The user needs to confirm the changes and publish the playlist. ERR_INSTALLING Could not install APK-files for apps Factory reset screen and install apps again ERR_EMPTYDATA There was a problem fetching software from our servers Could be a issue with the network or system clock  ERR_INSTALLED You already have the software installed Start playipp luncher instead.  ERR_DOWNLOADING No matching APK-Packets on server.  Model not supported or wrong version selected.  ERR_NO_SYSTEM_ID Could not resolve mac address Factory reset screen and install apps again ERR_INVALID_ACCESS_TOKEN The token to the key is need to be refresh Contact support@playipp.com with the screen id displayed on the screen ERR_NO_AVAILABLE_DATA No available data Check that the correct layout is connected and something is published to the playlist ERR_NO_ACTIVE_DATA No active data There is data aviable but not anything active  ERR_NO_NETWORK No network Check the network connection to the screen/player ERR_NO_SYNC_DATA No sync data  Check the network connection to the screen/player ERR_WAITING_FOR_SERVER Waiting for server to prepare content Wait a few minutes ERR_LAYER_LOCKED Layer locked Wait a few minutes ERR_NO_ACTIVATION_CODE Could not acquire activation code Factory reset screen and install apps again ERR_CORRUPT_INSTALLATION Corrupt installation, the system needs to be reinstalled with the proper system packages Factory reset screen and install apps again ERR_MISSING_ACCESS_TOKEN The token to the key is need to be refresh Contact support@playipp.com with the screen id displayed on the screen Deprecated Screen Media Player will soon reach end of life  Contact playipp (info@playipp.com) or your reseller for more info Unsupported screen Media Player not supported Contact playipp (info@playipp.com) or your reseller for more info End of life  Media Player no longer supported Contact playipp (info@playipp.com) or your reseller for more info
How often does the Microsoft Calendar integration update on the screen?
We use a webhook-update when the calendar is changed. This means that it updates as soon as we receive a message from Microsoft that the calendar has changed. This usually takes 15 seconds to a couple of minutes depending on calendar, hardware and network.   If no new information is detected we have a 20 minute update interval as a backup.
Why are there more objects on my screen than there are objects in the playlist?
When uploading and publishing a PDF(PowerPoint, Office) document to Playipp, it will convert the pages of the document to images and create a slideshow. The slideshow is one object in the playlist. If you have multiple pages in the PDF(PowerPoint, Office) document it will add them to the total time played. This will look like a single PDF file in your playlist, and when you preview you will see all objects, and all images in the slideshow.   You are able to read more here how to publish documents: Publish PDF, Powerpoint, Office documents 
Why does my player restart each night?
All players and screens restart once each night between 00:00 and 03:00 to ensure that they operate optimally. You are able to change these settings in the screen list to something that suits your organisation more.  To find these settings follow these steps; 1. Press Signage. 2. Press Screen list. 3. Press the screen or player you want to configure. 4. Press Overide global settings. 5. Press Restart schedule. 6. Configure which date or time you would like the player/screen to restart. * Override global settings: Lets you change the restart schedule and energy saving mode settings on this specific screen. * A screen or player needs to be restarted at least once a week. You are able to choose which day.  
Why does my screen show the wrong time?
Our widgets get their time settings from the screen/player configuration. On Samsung and LG screens, the time needs to be set on the actual screen, we are not able to configure this remotely. Here we have a short guide explaining how to configure the time settings for these brands; Below we list some common models and how to reset the clock on these: NOTE: Minor deviations may occur between screens and different software versions! LG SM5J (Webos 6) & SM5KE-BJ (Webos 4) 1. Press the button with a gear on the remote control to open the settings menu. 2. Select "General Settings". 3. Scroll down to "Time/Date" 4. Set the time and date. 5. Press the "Confirm" button to save the settings and return to the main menu. 6. Close the menu by pressing the "Back" or "Menu" button. 7. Restart the screen   Samsung QB43R (SSSP 6) & QM50B (SSSP10) 1. Press the "Menu" button on the remote control to open the settings menu. 2. Scroll down to "System" and select "Time". 3. Click the “Set Clock” button 4. Change the clock to match 5. Close the menu by pressing the "Back" or "Menu" button. 6. Restart the screen  
What is the recommended file format for picture and video?
When working with a screen that has a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels (commonly referred to as Full HD), ensuring that files are optimized for display can significantly impact visual quality and performance. Here's what you need to know about choosing the right settings: MATCHING THE RESOLUTION TO YOUR AREA For the best result with your content, it is best to adapt it to the correct resolution on the specific area before you upload it. For a guide on how to find the resolution of an area, see this guide:  What resolution is the area I am publishing to?  RECOMMENDED FORMATS AND FILE TYPES FOR VIDEO AND PICTURES. PICTURE * File format: .PNG or .JPEG * Max landscape resolution: 1920x1080 * Max portrait resolution: 1080x1920 VIDEO A video can have several different characteristics. To ensure that your content fits nicely on the screen, we recommend the following: * Container: MP4 * Video codec: H.264 * Max bitrate: 8Mbps * Max Landscape resolution: 1920x1080 * Max Portrait resolution: 1080x1920 Basic concepts around file formats The technical side of file formats can be daunting, so here we will give a quick introduction to the basic concepts. An important aspect to keep in mind is whether you want the screen in landscape or portrait position. This is a choice you should make before installing any screens, as this will affect the file formats needed for your content. It is often easier to create content for landscape position, due to the prevalent file formats on videos. Portrait position is more usual when it comes to adverts and sales. * Landscape (horizontal), as your TV at home * Portrait (vertical), which is similar to a poster on the wall The aspect ratio describes the resolution in terms of the relationship between width and height. A screen in landscape position is usually 16:9 and the portrait is 9:16.  
How to delete a screen from the account
Sometimes you want to remove a screen or player from the account. When a screen or player is removed it will delete it's content and revert back to the activation code. To delete a screen or player from you account, please follow these steps; 1. Go to signage. 2. Go to screen list. 3. Choose context button right next to screen or player. 4. Select Delete screen. 5. Confirm Deletion. Below video shows how;
How to report a bug in Playipp
In this guide we show how to report a bug in Playipp.    
Change language
To change language, you need to follow these steps: 1. Click the user icon in the top right corner 2. Click personal settings 3. Click Language and choose the language you want. 4. Click save  
How do i enable support access?
Sometimes you may need help from us at PLAYipp or one of our partners. In order for us to access your account, you must go in and activate support access to your account. Without this, we cannot access your account. To activate this, follow these steps: 1. Click here 2. Click Grant support access 3. Here you can choose whether to open up to PLAYipp or one of our partners who are connected to your account 4. By default it is 14 days, but you can increase this time or set unlimited time. 5. Click grant access
The screen turns off after loading PLAYipp
"After the initial startup of a media player, the media player will reach the PLAYipp health status screen with the three circles and then it turns off" The following solutions can solve this issue: 1. Power save mode is activated on the screen. If you have power saving mode activated, the screen will switch off. Control with the remote if there is a power saving mode scheduled. 2. The power save mode is activated in PLAYipp manager. If you have an active schedule for power saving mode in PLAYipp manager the monitor will turn off after the three circles is shown on the screen. Control that there is no active power saving mode scheduled on the location inside PLAYipp manager. Read more about power save mode in PLAYipp manager here: Power save mode  3. Media player has no screen location and layout connected to it. For the media player to download and display any information, you need to connect it to a screen location and layout.  Control in screens > List media players that there is a screen location and layout connected to the media player. Identify the media player using the Screen ID (you will also find this on the actual media player and on the box) The Screen ID have the format xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx and consists of both numbers and letters.  4. The playlist is empty. Go to the screen location that the media player is connected to and control that there is active objects in at least one area. 
The image on the screen is rotated
If the screen is rotated 180° wrong, you can rotate it yourself in PLAYipp manager. If the screen is rotated 90°, the settings on the screen could be wrong. Contact the screen manufacturer or our support if you need help. Note! This does not work on screens from Samsung. Rotate the screen 180° 1. Log in to your account and navigate to Signage > Screen list 2. Find the unit that is rotated. You're doing this easiest with the Screen ID that is unique for each media player. You can also do this if you know what location the media player is connected to. 3. Click on "..." and choose settings. 4. Check or uncheck the "invert screen rotation" button and wait 1–10 minutes for the picture to rotate. The media player needs to be connected to the internet to rotate
There is no sound coming from the screen?
"I've added a video to one of my playlists but I can't hear any sound. How do I activate it?" The sound is muted on every area in the layout by default. To activate the sound follow the steps below: 1. Select Signage in the main menu, and then choose Sceen layouts 2. Click on Edit layout on your layout. 3. Click on the area that you want to activate the sound on 4. Under advanced you can activate the sound by checking the box  Note Remember to turn the volume up on the screen and also check that the screen has built in speakers. Some screens also have a button on the side of the screen to mute the sound.
My objects are locked with a padlock, how do I unlock them?
If an object is marked with a padlock the object belongs to a screen group, and can't be edited in this location or group. You have to go the group where the object has been published to be able to edit the object. 1. Under the name of the object, the name of the group is displayed. 2. You can also hover the mouse on the object for a shortcut to the group. If you don't have access to the group, you can contact your admin in PLAYipp to get access to the group.
The screen says "NO SIGNAL"
"My screen doesn't show an image, only a message that says it can't find a signal" If your screen shows a similar error message, it is usually due to one of 3 things: 1. The screen is on, but the media player is not. (Applies only if you have one of our external media player PLAYport) Make sure the media player is running. There is a small LED light that lights up on the player. If it doesn't light up, try restarting it by unplugging the power cord and plugging it back in. you can also test the player in another screen to make sure it works. 2. The screen is set to display the wrong image source. Change source on screen. This is done through the Input, Source or menu button on the remote control. You may have to browse between several sources before you find the right one (HDMI1, HDMI2, etc.). 3. The screen has stopped working. If the player works (the easiest is to test plugging it into another screen) but not in this screen. Try connecting another device to the screen to see if you can get the screen to work then. If you still can't get the screen to work after these steps, the screen must be broken. Then contact the screen manufacturer or supplier to review the warranty status.
How do I edit a QUICKnote in the playlist?
All of the QUICKnotes that you have created can easily be edited afterwards. Click on the menu for the object and click on "Edit QUICKnote." The QUICKnote tool will start and you can edit your message. When you have made your changes click on publish.  For information about how to use the message template tool se article: Use a QUICKnote template 
What resolution is the area I am publishing to?
For the best result with your content, it is best to adapt it to the correct resolution on the specific area before you upload it.  The size of the area is in pixels, DPI doesn't matter. To find the resolution of your area, follow these steps: 1. Click here 2. Click Show information 3. Here you find the size of the area
How do I change the screen layout on my screen?
To change the screen layout on your screen. You must first activate the layout on the screen location and then change the active layout on the screen. To change the layout follow these steps: 1. Click here 2. Click on “screen structure” 3. Click on the screen location you want to change layout on. 4. Click on screen layouts 5. Activate the layout you want to change to. 6. Click on screen “Screen list” 7. Find your mediaplayer in the screenlist and click here 8. Click on settings 9. Click on the field for layout 10. Click on the layout you want to change to. 11. Click save Now the layout is changed on your screen. However, it will take a few minutes for it to download the new content and display it. If you want to remove the old layout, follow these steps:   1. Click screen structure 2. Click the location you want to remove the layout from 3. Click screen layouts 4. Click the “…” button 5. Click “inactivate screen layout”
My screen has been disabled.
It may happen that you get an error message on your screen that the license has expired or that the screen was been disabled. If this happens, there is no active license connected with your screen. This may be because someone has removed the license from the screen or the license period has expired and not been renewed. Start by checking if there is a available license that the screen shall use. You do this under Administration > Licenses. You can read more about the license view here: Keep track of your licenses  If you have a active licens that you want to connect to you screen you can follow these steps: 1. Click "Signage" 2. Click “Screen list” 3. Click on the 3 dots on your unit 4. Click "Settings" 5. Click “Subscription” 6. Choose the subscription that you want to connect the screen to 7. Click on "Screen active" 8. Click "Save" The screen is now activated and will resume to show the content that is published.
How do i replace a media player?
Sometimes you need to replace a player with a new one. It could be because the first one is broken or because you have to upgrade to new hardware. Regardless of why you want to switch players, you need to follow these steps: 1. Click "Signage" 2. Click "Screen list" 3. Here you can now find your players. find the player you want to replace. Click on this button 4. Click on "Replace screen" 5. Enter the activation screen that is shown on the screen. 6. Click on "Replace" Note! The code on the picture is only a example.   The new player is now activated and will soon start downloading content and display it.
How do I change the source on my screen?
Sometimes you want to change the source on an info screen that has a built-in media player and show a presentation or similar. This will not work since as there is a function that tries to restart the screen if the PLAYipps app is not active. This will result in the screen restarting after about 10 minutes if PLAYipps app is not active. However, you can work around it by first clicking the blue button on the remote control. Then a log will appear on the screen. When it is open, you can switch to another source on the screen. After this, the screen will not restart. This must be done every time you want to switch from the PLAYipp app.
How do i change between summer/winter time?
Depending on how you have set your screen during installation, you may need to reset the clock when it is time for summer/winter time. On most screens, you can choose to set the time zone automatically. If this has not been done, the clock must be reset in autumn and spring. Below we list some common models and how to reset the clock on these: NOTE: Minor deviations may occur between screens and different software versions! LG SM5J (Webos 6) & SM5KE-BJ (Webos 4) 1. Press the button with a gear on the remote control to open the settings menu. 2. Select "General Settings". 3. Scroll down to "Time/Date" 4. Select "Summer Time" and check/uncheck that setting. 5. Press the "Confirm" button to save the settings and return to the main menu. 6. Close the menu by pressing the "Back" or "Menu" button. 7. Restart the screen   Samsung QB43R (SSSP 6) & QM50B (SSSP10) 1. Press the "Menu" button on the remote control to open the settings menu. 2. Scroll down to "System" and select "Time". 3. Click the “Set Clock” button 4. Change the clock to match 5. Close the menu by pressing the "Back" or "Menu" button. 6. Restart the screen
Duplicate screen layout
Sometimes you may need to create a copy for a layout. You might want to start from the same basis and redo some area or something. Then it can be useful to create a copy of a screen layout. You can do that by following these steps: 1. Click on "Signage" or this icon 2. Click "Screen layouts" 3. Click here. 4. Click "Duplicate layout"
How do i empty the trash can?
All files that are deleted end up in a trash can. You sometimes have to empty the trash can to free up space. Follow these steps to empty the trash. 1. Click “Signage” 2. Click here 3. Click on the trash can 4. Click “Remove all files in trash” 5. Click the OK button