
Technical information PLAYin Philips

Function matrix

What is even a function matrix you wonder? Well, on this page we have listed our most common screen types and which functions and features play best with PLAYipp's software.

In this list, we have listed what different screens can and cannot do.

Click here to take a look at our comparison matrix.

Internet & downtime

The units are connected to the Internet when they fetch updates and media, but they continue to show downloaded material even if the Internet connection is temporarily unavailable.


Wi-Fi: The Players support Wi-Fi encrypted with WPApsk, WPA2-psk (recommended) and WEP. They also support unencrypted Wi-Fi.
Wired: For a more solid connection you are recommended to connect the Player to a wired Internet connection
Proxy: The Players support using a proxy server. You just need to supply your proxy information (URL and port number).
IP: The Player can use a static IP address or DHCP. For static IP – supply your IP address (including netmask, gateway and at least one DNS server).
Encryption: All customer data is sent encrypted through HTTPS

Technical information

PLAYports runs a custom version of Android. 
The units never receive data via PUSH or similar services; rather they fetch all data through HTTPS. This makes the system robust and secure. The built in one-click-update function of the unit software ensures that the units are always up to date with the latest security updates and PLAYipp software versions.


The PLAYipp servers are located in Gävle and Stockholm. Backup of customer data is being made every 30 minutes. Even if the servers would suffer downtime, your Players will continue to work as usual.


The Players use the following outbound TCP-ports to connect to our server:
80 – HTTP: To let the unit show web pages as media objects and to set the time.
443 – HTTPS: To contact the server and download information and media.
Port 80 and 443 must at least be open to the address span of: and ( - 

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