

A collection of 24 articles
Get started with two-factor authentication
Activating two-factor authentication (2FA) is an important step to enhance the security of your organization. Follow the steps below to enable 2FA. There are several options to choose from. Apps like Google Authenticator, Microsoft Authenticator, and Authy, among others, generate one-time codes that are used in conjunction with your password. For even higher security, you can use hardware keys like YubiKey or a fingerprint if your computer has that capability. Prerequisites You must be an administrator of the organization to make these changes. Step-by-step guide 1. Go to Administration and then select Organization Settings from the menu. 2. Click on the Security tab 3. Enable two-factor authentication 4. Click on "save" TIP: Inform the organization Send a notice or an email to all users in the organization to inform them that 2FA has been activated. They can then follow this guide to enable 2FA for their user: Activate two-factor authentication
Screen list - Manage and check the status of your screens
In the main menu you will find signage and can choose screen list. Here you can activate new signage screens to your account, see status, connect screens to subscriptions/licenses and manage settings regarding your screens (if you don’t see the screen list menu option, your user may not have the user rights to see this. Then you need to contact a company administrator. All company administrators are listed if you navigate to home)  Activate new screen In the screen list you will find a button to the top right to add screens. You use this button to activate new screens or prepare them for activation.  Read more about how to activate screens here: Activate signage screen  Screen status In the top menu there is a statistic icon, if you tap on that one you will find a circle diagram with the status of all your screens. If the screens are online, everything is as it should and the screen has a connection to our servers. If screens are offline, most of the time it is the internet connection that is malfunctioning or that the screen is powered off. To troubleshoot the network connection you can follow our troubleshooting guides. You can find our troubleshooting guides here Screen list On the rest of the page you will see a list of all your activated screens. The screen list is defaulted to showing these columns.  * Name: The name of the screen. The name is important so you can easily identify the screen.  * Location: Displays the current location that the screen is connected to. * Layout: Displays the current layout that the screen is connected to. * Status: indicates the status of the screen. If the screen is online everything is as it should and the screen has connection to our servers. * Subscription: Display the subscription that this screen is connected to. * Screen ID: Screen ID is a unique code that is connected to the screen. Screen ID is displayed on the screen while it is starting up. This way you can always identify your screen.  * Device type: Displays the device type of this screen. * “...” (context) menu: here you can find some of the settings for this screen.   To find all the settings you can click on the row of the screen in the screen list or click on the context menu and choose settings.  You can customize the columns you want to show by clicking the cogwheel () on the top right. Here you can remove columns you don’t want to show and add new columns. Note: Some data in some columns can’t be fetched from some screen models.  Settings To go to the settings of a screen you can click on the row of the screen in the screen list or click on the context menu and choose settings.  Here you are greeted with this view:  At the top you will find these two options and by tapping on the three dots you find even more options. * Clear cache: If you are having problems with a web page or that the screen can’t download all the content you can clear the cache of the screen. The screen will delete all the cached content downloaded to the screen and download everything again. If you still are having problems with the screen please contact PLAYipp support and we will help you. (Note: The screen need to be online to be able to clear the cache) * Reset token: If invalid access token is displayed on the screen you can reset the token here. This should only appear on the screen if the screen is reinstalled from factory settings. * Restart: Restart the screen the next time it syncs with our servers. (The screen syncs once every 60 seconds) (Note: The screen needs to be online to be able to restart) * Delete screen: Is the screen broken and shall be replaced? Then you can delete the screen here. * Update sofware: * Replace screen:  To the left you will find these options: * Screen name: The name of the screen. The name is important so you can easily identify the screen. * Screen location: Displays the current location that the screen is connected to. If you want to add more locations you can do that from the screen structure. * Layout: choose what layout that shall be active on the screen. If the layout that you want to use is not available in the list you need to activate the layout in the screen structure. * Subscription: Choose the subscription that the screen shall be connected to. * Address: Displays the address that the screen location of the screen location. * Notes: Here you can write what you want. Maybe write the contact information of some of the colleagues on the location of the screen.  To the right you will see these options: * Screen active: If a screen is active and you inactivate it it will remove the connection to the subscription. It will then stop showing your content and display a text message that the screen is disabled. If you want to activate the screen again you need to choose a subscription before you activate it. * Rotate screen 180°: if your content is displayed upside down you can rotate it with this button. Note! This is not supported on all screens. Contact PLAYipp support if you can’t rotate the screen. * Use external storage: Some screens have the option to extend the internal storage in the screen in the form of a USB stick or memory card. * Synchronized playback: This allows screens with the same layout and content to synchronize and show the content at the same time. * Override global settings: Lets you change the restart schedule and energy saving mode settings on this specific screen.   Screen details At the bottom of the screen you will find screen details. Here you will find all the details of the screen and all versions of all apps running on the screen. Diagnostics In the diagnostic tab you will see all the information available about the screen gathered on one page. You can also take a screenshot of what the screen is displaying now. 
Notification center
In our notification center you will receive notifications about updates in PLAYipp, information about subscriptions that are about to expire and deviating support opening hours and more. All your notifications can be found at the top right of when you are logged in to PLAYipp. If a red dot lights up next to the icon, it indicates that there are new messages. Notifications There are two different types of notifications, information messages and warning messages.  Information notices are displayed with an information icon and can be a message about updates in PLAYipp. Warning notices are displayed with a red triangle and can, for example, be about a subscription about to expire that must be renewed. All notices contain a "clear" button in the upper right corner where you can click to delete that particular notice. They can also contain a button that takes you to other places in PLAYipp. Some notifications will not be possible to delete but will remain in the notification center until a certain date. The reason for that is that they contain important information that needs to be acted upon.  
How do I choose which screens to disable?
When the number of licenses in a subscription decreases during its renewal, You need to select which screens should be disabled.  Admins and license admins will receive the message in a notification that you can find in the notification center.  When you click 'select licenses' you will be taken to a separate view where you can choose which screens to disable. Select them by checking the box to the left of the screen name and then click save. You will then receive a confirmation that your changes have been saved.
How to configure SAML-based Single Sign-On (SSO) using Microsoft Azure AD
This article explains how to configure SAML-based Single Sign-On (SSO) for PLAYipp Manager using Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). Follow these steps to integrate PLAYipp with Azure AD to enable secure and seamless user authentication. To get access to SAML configuration contact PLAYipp support. Prerequisites: * Admin access to Microsoft Azure AD: You need admin rights to create and configure applications in Azure AD. * Admin access to PLAYipp Manager: To configure SAML settings in PLAYipp. Step 1: Add PLAYipp Manager as an Application in Azure AD 1. Log in to the Azure portal: https://portal.azure.com. 2. Navigate to Azure Active Directory > Enterprise Applications > New Application. 3. Select Create your own application, name it "PLAYipp Manager," and choose Integrate any other application you don’t find in the gallery (Non-gallery application). Step 2: Configure SAML-based Single Sign-On in Azure AD 1. In the PLAYipp Manager application, go to Single sign-on and choose SAML as the SSO method. 2. Edit the Basic SAML Configuration: * Identifier (Entity ID): Set this to https://saml.playipp.com/api/saml/[PLAYippAccountID]/metadata. * Reply URL (Assertion Consumer Service URL): Use https://saml.playipp.com/api/saml/[PLAYippAccountID]/assert. * Login URL: Enter https://login.microsoftonline.com/[your-tenant-ID]/saml2. 3. Save the changes. Step 3: Upload the SAML Certificate 1. Under the SAML Signing Certificate section in Azure AD, download the certificate in Base64 format. 2. In PLAYipp, go to the SAML Tab (found under Administration Tab > Organization Settings): Paste the certificate: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- [Base64 certificate content] -----END CERTIFICATE----- NOTE! Make sure the certificate is correctly formatted. Step 4: Add the Assertion URL in PLAYipp Manager In the Assertion URL field under the SAML Tab in PLAYipp Manager, enter the Login URL from step 2. This will typically be: https://login.microsoftonline.com/[your-tenant-ID]/saml2 Step 5: Configure User Attributes & Claims in Azure AD 1. In the Attributes & Claims section, ensure that the Name Identifier is set to user.mail or an attribute that aligns with PLAYipp’s requirements. 2. Add any additional claims that PLAYipp might require, such as first name or last name. Step 6: Assign Users to the Application 1. In the Azure portal, go to Users and Groups for the PLAYipp Manager application. 2. Add the users or groups who will access PLAYipp via SSO. You can read how you configure groups here: How to Use Security Groups and Group Claims for user Management in PLAYipp and Microsoft Azure AD  Step 7: Test the SSO Configuration 1. Use the Login URL (https://saml.playipp.com/api/saml/[PLAYippAccountID]/login) to test SSO functionality. 2. Verify that users are redirected to the Azure AD login page, and can successfully log in. 3. Review Azure AD Sign-in logs for any issues if the authentication does not work as expected. Troubleshooting * "Too many redirects" Error: Ensure that the Identifier (Entity ID) and Reply URL (ACS) are configured correctly in both Azure AD and PLAYipp Manager. * No Redirection to Microsoft Login Page: Double-check the Login URL configuration, and make sure the SAML settings in PLAYipp are enabled. * Certificate Issues: Make sure the certificate includes both -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE----- markers. Conclusion: Following these steps should set up SAML-based SSO for PLAYipp Manager successfully, allowing users to log in using their Microsoft Azure AD credentials for a secure authentication experience. For further help, contact PLAYipp Support.
How to Use Security Groups and Group Claims for user Management in PLAYipp and Microsoft Azure AD (SAML)
Introduction: This article explains how to use Microsoft Azure AD security groups and configure group claims to manage user access in PLAYipp Manager. By linking security groups, you can streamline user permissions and automate access management based on roles defined in Azure AD. Prerequisites: * Admin access to both Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) and PLAYipp Manager. * SAML-based SSO already configured between Azure AD and PLAYipp Manager. Step 1: Create Security Groups in Azure AD 1. Log in to the Azure portal: https://portal.azure.com. 2. Navigate to Azure Active Directory > Groups > New Group. 3. Create security groups for different roles or access levels in PLAYipp: * PLAYipp Admins: Users with full administrative access. * PLAYipp Editors: Users who can manage content but have limited administrative permissions. * PLAYipp Screen Managers: Users who can manage screens and layouts. * Quicknote Users: Users who have access only to the Quicknote feature. 4. Add members to each group according to their roles in your organization. Step 2: Configure Group Claims in Azure AD for the SAML Application 1. Go to Azure Active Directory > Enterprise Applications. 2. Select the PLAYipp Manager application where you have configured SAML SSO. 3. Under Single sign-on, find the User Attributes & Claims section and edit the claims. 4. Add a Group Claim: * Click Add a group claim. * Configure the group claim settings: * Select "Groups assigned to the application" to limit the claim to users assigned to the PLAYipp app. * Customize the group name format (e.g., Group ID or Group Name). * Choose to emit the group membership as a claim: Use a claim name such as groups or roles. 5. Save the group claim configuration. Step 3: Assign Users to the PLAYipp Application Using Security Groups 1. In Azure AD, go to Enterprise Applications > PLAYipp Manager > Users and Groups. 2. Assign the previously created security groups to the application: * For example, assign the PLAYipp Admins group to grant admin-level access in PLAYipp. 3. This assignment ensures that any users added to these groups in Azure AD will automatically have the corresponding access in PLAYipp. Step 4: Map Security Groups to Roles in PLAYipp Manager 1. Log in to PLAYipp Manager. 2. Navigate to Administration Tab > Organization Settings > SAML Tab. 3. Map the group claims to roles or permissions in PLAYipp: * Admin Group: Map to full administrative permissions. * Editor Group: Map to content management permissions. * Screen Manager Group: Map to screen-related access. 4. Configure any other settings needed to reflect the group claim roles accurately. Step 5: Automating User Access Through Group Membership With security groups linked between Azure AD and PLAYipp, managing access becomes automated: 1. Onboard New Users: Simply add them to the appropriate security group in Azure AD (e.g., PLAYipp Editors), and they will automatically gain the corresponding permissions in PLAYipp. 2. Modify User Permissions: Moving a user from one group to another (e.g., from PLAYipp Editors to PLAYipp Admins) will instantly change their access level in PLAYipp. 3. Revoke Access: Removing a user from all groups assigned to PLAYipp will revoke their access. Step 6: Advanced Configuration (Optional) 1. Link Security Groups to Specific Screen Groups or Features: * Use security groups to manage access to specific screens, content, or features. * For example, grant access to only certain screen groups based on geographic or departmental needs. 2. Combine Group Claims with Other Organizational Units: * Use group claims together with organizational structures in PLAYipp to refine user access control. Troubleshooting * Users Not Getting Expected Permissions: * Make sure the security groups are properly assigned to the application in Azure AD. * Verify that the group claims are correctly mapped to roles in PLAYipp Manager. * Group Claim Not Appearing in PLAYipp: * Ensure that the group claim is correctly configured in the Azure AD app’s User Attributes & Claims settings. * Check the group claim format and adjust if necessary (e.g., use "Group Name" instead of "Group ID"). Conclusion Using security groups and group claims to manage access in PLAYipp Manager offers a flexible and automated way to control permissions. By leveraging Microsoft Azure AD groups, you can centralize user management and simplify onboarding. For additional assistance, contact PLAYipp Support.
Transfer screen between accounts
Sometimes you need to move players/screens between different customer accounts. Then there is a function for what we call transfer screens. However, you can transfer screens between 2 accounts. no content/layouts/license will be transferred, only the player/screen itself. To move the screen/player between two accounts, you create a code that you enter in the account you wish to move the player to. To transfer screens between different accounts. follow these steps: 1. Click here 2. Click "Transfer Screen" 3. Click on "Pending transfers" 4. Copy the code by clicking here. 5. Go to the other account where the screen should be activated. 6. Click "add screens" 7. Click "Import Screens" 8. Paste the code you copied earlier here. 9. Enter the name you want the screen to have. 10. Choose which location the screen should be connected to. 11. Choose which layout the player should use. 12. Choose which subscription the player should use 13. Click Import. The screen will now be activated on the new account.
Heartbeat - Create a media player monitoring list
Heartbeat is a feature to monitor your screens and media players. You receive an email if any screen or media player goes offline. So that you have the opportunity to fix the error as quickly as possible. A player going offline can be due to several things. The most common, however, is that the network to the player/screen is malfunctioning. It is possible to create several lists so that you can specify different contact persons for different screens/media players. If you don't have this option in PLAYipp manager, you don't have rights for it. Please contact your PLAYipp account administrator. Create a heartbeat list 1. Click on "Signage" 2. Click on "Heartbeat" 3. Click here 4. Name your list 5. Click in "Add contact" 6. Fill in a email adress of the person that shall receive the heartbeat email. This don't need to be a administrator in playipp. It can be someone that is a part of the IT department or someone at the location of the screen. 7. Click on the media player tab and select which media players should be included in the list and monitored. On the left side, you can select all players that are part of groups, locations or media players that have a special screen layout. 8. Click "Save"
Are you a company admin in PLAYipp and want full control of your licenses? Look no further! Each screen requires a license in order to use it. You can either buy licenses directly through us or through one of our resellers. You will find the license page under the Administration menu in the main menu. You will now get an overview of your licenses.   The licenses will be sorted by renewal date, so the licenses that are closest to renewal will be at the top. To renew the license, contact your dealer. At the top under "How to buy" you will find contact details for your retailer. If you have bought your license directly from us, you are very welcome to get in touch and we will help you! Contact us here. If the license was purchased with automatic renewal, the license will be renewed automatically if it is not canceled 3 months before the end of the period. You can choose to remove certain columns if you wish. This is done via the gear wheel on the right. To get an overview of all licenses, you can click on statistics icon at the top, then you will see how many free and used licenses there are for signage and rooms respectively.


Add users
The new users can either be administrators or users with limited permissions. You as an administrator decide what a user can and cannot do. Read more about how to set rights here: Manage user rights  To add users, follow these steps 1. Click here 2. Click on users 3. Click on "add new user" 4. Fill in the user's first name, last name, email and phone number. 5. Now can now set which rights the user should have. (You can also change this afterwards.) Read more about how to set rights here: Manage user rights  6. If you want the user to be included in a user group, do this: (you can also set this afterwards) 7. When you are done with your user, click Add and save 8. The user will now receive an email to their email with an invitation and instructions to log in to their account.
Manage user rights
In this article, we will go through how you set permissions for your users, what all permissions do and how they work. This can be customized to an individual level according to what your organizational structure looks like. Contents of this article: User details Permissions Screen access Media library All users who log into PLAYipp® must have their own personal user. An unlimited number of users is included in the license. It is possible to customize each user's permissions so that the user only gets access to exactly what they are supposed to manage. If several users have equal permissions, it is best to configure a user group. We will go through user groups here: User groups  To see how to add new users, follow this guide: Add new users  All users can be found under Administration > Users where you are greeted by a list of all users and can click on each user to see user details and permissions. All new users have 3 tabs: User Details, Permissions and Media Library User details Here you will find basic details about the user; Name, email and phone number. You can also block the user and add them to a user group. You can read more about user groups here: User groups  Permissions Under the second tab we find all the permissions that you can give to the user. Depending on which functions are activated on your account, options may be added or removed. Administrator: Permissions to change everything, including organization settings. An administrator has access to all content, screens and users. Publish Content: Allows the user to publish content to screens. When you have activated this, you will get another tab (screen access) where you can choose which screens the user can publish content to. Quicknote Templates: Allows the user to manage Quicknote templates. You can read more about how to create and manage Quicknote templates here: Create a Quicknote template  Functions: Allows the user to manage all functions. This means the functions Tenants, Restaurant Menus, Targets, Information Feed and Events. If you click on "Show all permissions", you can choose which of these functions the user can manage. Integrations: Allows the user to create and manage integrations against third-party systems. You can find help center articles about all integrations here: Integrations  Signage administration: Allows the user to add screens, groups and manage its settings. Rooms Administration: Allows the user to add screens and manage settings for Rooms screens. User Administration: Allows the user to manage users and their permissions. ATTENTION! This allows the user to create administrators and new users with higher privileges. Design: Allows the user to manage screen layouts and graphical profile. License Administration: Allows the user to manage subscriptions and licenses. Organization Settings: Allows the user to manage general settings and licenses. (Only administrators have access to organization settings.) Screen access If you have given a user permissions to publish content (you can find this under the permissions tab) then a tab called screen access will appear. Here you set which screens and groups a user can publish to. When you open this tab, you will be greeted by two tables. These two show which screen slots and screen groups the user currently has permissions to publish to (on new users these are empty). To choose which locations or groups the user can manage, click "Edit". The table will unfold and all places/groups will be visible. You can now tick "publish" in the place or group that the user should be allowed to publish to. In the example below, the user can publish to the location Gävle but not Sandviken. You can also set which area or layout the user can publish to. You do this by clicking on the plus sign on the left. Then you can choose exactly which layout or surface the user can publish to. In the example below, the user is allowed to publish the area Top but not Middle left. Media library Here you can set which folders in the media library a user should have access to. At the top there is an option to allow full access. If you check this option, you can choose whether the user has only "read" or both "read and write permissions" to all files and folders.  If you uncheck this, you can choose which folders the user has write or read permissions to. You get read automatically if you check write permission. In the example below, it is set that the user has "write and read permissions" on the files folder, only "read permissions" on the movies folder and no permissions at all on the pictures folder. This means that the user will not see the pictures folder at all.
User groups
If several users are to have the same permissions, we recommend that you create a user group. You can create a user group with the permissions they need and then add the users who should have the same permissions. By doing so, you avoid making the same permissions several times for different users and can make your work more efficient. User groups have the same possibilities for customizing permissions as a user. Read more about how to manage user rights here: Manage user rights  Create a user group 1. Click here 2. Click "User groups" 3. Click "Add new group" 4. You can now add some details on the user group; Name and notes 5. Under the permissions tab, you can set the permissions for the user group and the user in the group. You can read more about permissions here: Manage user permission  Add users to a user group 1. Navigate to the user group (Administration > User groups) and click on your group.  2. Click on the Users tab 3. Click on Edit 4. Click on the toggle button to add a user to the group 5. Click on save
SAML setup
SAML is short for Security Assertion Markup Language and is a method that can be used to authenticate users and is used to further secure your account in PLAYipp. With a SAML connection to PLAYipp®, you don't have to log in every time, but you can reach PLAYipp® directly from your environment. We recommend that you keep an admin-user separate that does not connect using SAML(login with password) in case your certification expire.   To get access to SAML configuration contact PLAYipp support. To set up this connection, follow these steps: 1. Click Administration. 2. Click on organization settings. 3. Click on SAML. 4. Enter your assertion URL here. 5. Fill in your certificate here. The certificate should be formatted as follows: -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- [Base64 certificate content] -----END CERTIFICATE----- 6. Now can now take links here and use to log in with etc. Note the links in the picture are just example, you will have unique links for your account

Screen structure

Screen structure
Every media player needs to be connected to a screen location and layout. You can create unlimited numbers of screen locations. Screen locations can be added to sections and screen groups if you want. You can publish information to screen groups not sections. Sections are used to easier arrange locations and putting them in different folders.  Before you can publish content on your screen you need to create at least one screen location and one layout. For more information about layouts and how to connect it to a screen location go to the following article: Add screen layout from template  Screen locations Screen locations are created to easily identify which screen you are publishing to.  Best practice is to use a screen location to every single media player/screen. If you want to publish to multiple screens you can use screen groups.  Follow this guide to create a location: Create location  Click on a screen location in the structure to get an overview of the layout that is connected, which media player is connected, if the media player is online and a map with the address of the location marked.  Sections To organize your screen locations you can create sections. For example you may want to make a section if the locations is in the same city or building.  Follow this guide to create a section: Create section  Click on a section in the structure to get an overview of the screen locations that are included. You will see what layout is used layouts in the different screen locations, which media players that's connected, if the media players are online and a map with the address of the locations marked.  Screen groups When you want to publish to multiple screen locations simultaneously need to use a screen group. If you publish to a screen group the content will be displayed on all the screens connected to the group.  Follow this guide to create a group: Create groups  Click on a screen group in the structure to get an overview of the screen locations in the screen group, the layouts to the different screen locations, which media players that's connected, if the media players is online and a map with the address of the locations marked.
Create location
Screen locations are created to easily identify which screen you are publishing to. Best practice is to use a screen location to every single media player/screen. If you want to publish to multiple screens, you can use screen groups. You can read more about groups here: Create groups  To create a screen location, follow these steps: 1. Click here 2. Click Screen structure 3. Click Add location 4. If you want to the location grouped in a section, you choose it here. 5. Give your location a name. This is the most important thing to be able to know which screen you will publish content to.  6. Give your location an address. This is the address where we will fetch weather information to display on the weather widget 7. Click "Proceed to select screen layouts" 8. Now it's time to choose a screen layout. It is the layout that divides the screen into different areas where you can then publish content to each area. Click Add on the layout you want to use 9. Click Select this screen layout 10. If you want the screen to be part of a group, do it here. If you want the screen to be a part of a group, select it here. Groups can be used when you want to publish the same content to several screens with the same layout at the same time 11. Click "Proceed to connect media players" 12. If you want to activate a new media player, you do it via the screen list. You can read more about that here: Activate signage screen  13. Click "Save & exit"
Create groups
Groups are used to publish the same content to several screens at the same time. If you want to publish to just one of these screens, you publish to the screen instead. To create a group, follow these steps: 1. Click here 2. Click screen structure 3. Click Add Group 4. Give your group a name 5. Click Proceed to select places 6. Choose what locations that shall be included in the group 7. Click save & exit
Create section
To organize your screen locations you can create sections. For example you may want to make a section if the locations is in the same city or building. To create a section, follow these steps: 1. Click here 2. Click "Screen structure" 3. Click "Add section" 4. Type the section name here 5. Here you can add add the section under another section. 6. Click "Next" 7. Choose what location that shall be included in this section 8. Click "Save & exit"

Two factor authentication

Activate two-factor authentication
If you log in for the first time and want to activate two-factor authentication, you will be greeted by this image. You now have 2 choices. Activate a hardware key. This could be fingerprints, physical security key, facial recognition or some other type of authentication hardware. Then the next time you log in you will need to authenticate with this hardware key after you have entered your username and password Click on “Activate security key” and follow the steps in your browser to activate this Enable authenticator app Use an app to authenticate yourself with randomly generated numbers. For example, Google Authenticator, Authy or 1Password. Then the next time you log in, you will need to authenticate with this authentication app after entering your username and password. To activate an authentication app, scan the code with your chosen authentication app. You will then need to test the connection by entering the code from the app into the interface.
Sign in using two-factor authentication
By logging in with two-factor authentication, you increase the security of your account, as it requires an external authentication via app or hardware key. This means that you not only enter your password when you log in, but also use a security key or authenticator app depending on what you choose. There are two options to choose from, security keys or authenticator app. Authenticator app When you log in and have a authenticator app active you are greeted with this message: What you then need to do is go to your authenticator app and look for this code. It can be, for example, Google Authenticator, Microsoft authenticator, Authy or 1Password. It's up to you to choose which app you use when you enable two-factor authentication If you cannot find this code, one of your colleagues can restore this for you. Then they follow this guide: Reset two-factor authentication  Security keys When you log in and have a security key active you will have to sign with it. This can look different depending on what type you are using. If you have Touch ID on MacOS it can look like this:
Reset two-factor authentication
Sometimes you may need to reset a two-factor authentication. This can only be done for your colleagues, not on your own user. If for some reason you can't access your authenticator app, someone with access to your account will need to reset it in time. To restore an authentication, follow these steps: 1. Click on Administration. 2. Click "User accounts" 3. Click here. 4. Click Reset 2FA 5. Click Reset 2FA Two-factor authentication is now restored. The next time this user logs in, they must add it again.

Layouts and branding

Add screen layout from template
A screen layout consist of one or more areas. Every area has its own playlist and in these playlists the user can publish material that will be shown on the screen. There is a library with existing screen layouts to choose from or you can create your own screen layout. If you create your own screen layout you can choose the placement and size of the different areas.  Before you can use your screen layout on your screen you need to create a screen location and connect it to your screen layout. For more information about how you create a screen location and how to connect it to your screen layout go to the following article: Screen structure  Concepts Area: Every area has its own playlist. Layout: A layout consist of one or more areas. Base content: Every screen layout can contain base content. By publishing base content, all screens using this screen layout no matter the screen location or screen group will show it. Base content can be used to publish backgrounds, logos and similar to build a good design for your screen. Add a new screen layout If you want to get started quick with a layout we recomend that you use a layout from a template that we have created. You can then upload your own logotype, choose typeface that you want to use. 1.  Click on Signage and choose Screen layouts 2. Click Create new layout 3. Choose a layout or create a custom layout You can now pick between our existing screen layouts or create an on your own custom layout If you choose a custom layout you will choose the size and placement of the layouts. 4. Give your layout a name Choose a name that is easy to recognize. For example Reception layout or Entre layout.  5. Upload your logotope Upload your companys logotype. The logotype should be in .PNG format and idaly have a transparent background. The logotype will update in the preview to the right.   6. Select colors Choose your company’s colors to make the layout feel more like yours. Write in the hex code or klick on the box square to the right to open a color picker.  7. Select fonts Select a font that fits your needs.  8. Save and close Click on save and close to save your new layout. The layout will no appear under Signage > Screen layouts
Customize layouts
If you are not completely satisfied with your screen layout, you can always edit it. You can delete, add, resize and move areas. You can also edit background color / image and change fonts and colors on widgets and message templates. To customize your layout you click on Signage > Screen Layouts. Click on the layout that you want to customize.  From this view you can customize everything about the layout.  Areas:  On the left side you will find all the areas that the layout is made of.  There is buttons to duplicate areas and remove them. To the right side of the buttons there is handles to rearange the order of the areas. If areas overlap in the layout the area that is at the top will be displayed in top on the screen.  Settings for areas If you click on a name (or directly on a area in the middle) you will get access to all settings for the area. At the top you find buttons to split the area in two. you can split the area horizontally and vertically, You can altso make a copy or the area or remove it. * You can change the name of the area * Change type of area. The types that is avaible is: * Standard: The most common type of area that you publish content to. * Image: A static image that is used for example logotypes that always shall be shown on the layout. * Widget: The area fills with a weather or clockwidget.  * Color: This area fills with the color that you choose. This can be a single color footer that has not the same color as the background. * You can altso lock the aspect ratio to 16:9 or 9:16. * Set exact heigth and width of the area. You can altso drag the handes directly in the corners of the area. * Set exact placement of the area. You can altso click and drag the area directly. Advanced: If you want to enable some advanced settings you do it here. The settings that are available here are:  * Soft transitions * Sound activated * Random playback order. * Time left overlay * Hidden area Preview You can altso change the preview picture that will be shown when you preview the layout. You can choose to show text, a example picture or upload your own picture.  General: Under general you can choose to change name on your screenlayout, set the spacing between split areas. You can altso set a grid so you can only move areas by that amount.  Background Here you can adjust the background color or change to a picture. You can write a hexcode or click the square on the right to get a colorpicker. Fonts Here you can change the fonts and colors of the text that is shown in the message templates and widgets in the layout. You can write a hexcode or click the square on the right to get a colorpicker.
Branding - Fonts
By setting a graphic profile, you can limit which colors and fonts a user can use, These fonts and colors can be used in QUICKnote templates, widgets and in layouts. If the font you want to use is not available, you can upload it yourself. See this article to see how to add colors: Branding - Colors  To manage fonts, follow these steps: 1. Click Administration 2. Click Branding 3. Click system fonts 4. Click Browse system fonts 5. Click here to enable a font to be used to be used everywhere 6. if you want to disable a font, you use the same button If a font isn't available under system font you can upload your own 1. Click Upload fonts 2. Click Browse files and upload your font Supported formats are: .TTF and .OTF NOTE: Make sure you have a license to use the font you upload.
Branding - Colors
By setting a graphic profile, you can limit which colors and fonts a user can use, These fonts and colors can be used in QUICKnote templates, widgets and in layouts. If the font you want to use is not available, you can upload it yourself. See this article to see how to manage fonts: Branding - Fonts  To add colors, follow these steps: 1. Click Add color 2. You can enter the HEX color code here Or click here to get a color picker Choose the color on the color picker 3. Give color a name 4. Click add 5.