
Screen list - Manage and check the status of your screens

In the main menu you will find signage and can choose screen list. Here you can activate new signage screens to your account, see status, connect screens to subscriptions/licenses and manage settings regarding your screens
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(if you don’t see the screen list menu option, your user may not have the user rights to see this. Then you need to contact a company administrator. All company administrators are listed if you navigate to home) 

Activate new screen

In the screen list you will find a button to the top right to add screens. You use this button to activate new screens or prepare them for activation. 

Read more about how to activate screens here: Activate signage screen 

Screen status

In the top menu there is a statistic icon, if you tap on that one you will find a circle diagram with the status of all your screens. If the screens are online, everything is as it should and the screen has a connection to our servers.


If screens are offline, most of the time it is the internet connection that is malfunctioning or that the screen is powered off. To troubleshoot the network connection you can follow our troubleshooting guides.

You can find our troubleshooting guides here

Screen list

On the rest of the page you will see a list of all your activated screens. The screen list is defaulted to showing these columns. 

  • Name: The name of the screen. The name is important so you can easily identify the screen. 
  • Location: Displays the current location that the screen is connected to.
  • Layout: Displays the current layout that the screen is connected to.
  • Status: indicates the status of the screen. If the screen is online everything is as it should and the screen has connection to our servers.
  • Subscription: Display the subscription that this screen is connected to.
  • Screen ID: Screen ID is a unique code that is connected to the screen. Screen ID is displayed on the screen while it is starting up. This way you can always identify your screen. 
  • Device type: Displays the device type of this screen.
  • “...” (context) menu: here you can find some of the settings for this screen.  

To find all the settings you can click on the row of the screen in the screen list or click on the context menu and choose settings. 

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You can customize the columns you want to show by clicking the cogwheel (Screenshot 2022-09-02 at 14.16.02.png) on the top right. Here you can remove columns you don’t want to show and add new columns.
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Note: Some data in some columns can’t be fetched from some screen models. 


To go to the settings of a screen you can click on the row of the screen in the screen list or click on the context menu and choose settings. 

Here you are greeted with this view: 

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At the top you will find these two options and by tapping on the three dots you find even more options. Screenshot

  • Clear cache: If you are having problems with a web page or that the screen can’t download all the content you can clear the cache of the screen. The screen will delete all the cached content downloaded to the screen and download everything again. If you still are having problems with the screen please contact PLAYipp support and we will help you.
    (Note: The screen need to be online to be able to clear the cache)
  • Reset token: If invalid access token is displayed on the screen you can reset the token here. This should only appear on the screen if the screen is reinstalled from factory settings.
  • Restart: Restart the screen the next time it syncs with our servers. (The screen syncs once every 60 seconds)
    (Note: The screen needs to be online to be able to restart)
  • Delete screen: Is the screen broken and shall be replaced? Then you can delete the screen here.
  • Update sofware:
  • Replace screen: 

To the left you will find these options:

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  • Screen name: The name of the screen. The name is important so you can easily identify the screen.
  • Screen location: Displays the current location that the screen is connected to. If you want to add more locations you can do that from the screen structure.
  • Layout: choose what layout that shall be active on the screen. If the layout that you want to use is not available in the list you need to activate the layout in the screen structure.
  • Subscription: Choose the subscription that the screen shall be connected to.
  • Address: Displays the address that the screen location of the screen location.
  • Notes: Here you can write what you want. Maybe write the contact information of some of the colleagues on the location of the screen. 

To the right you will see these options:

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  • Screen active: If a screen is active and you inactivate it it will remove the connection to the subscription. It will then stop showing your content and display a text message that the screen is disabled. If you want to activate the screen again you need to choose a subscription before you activate it.
  • Rotate screen 180°: if your content is displayed upside down you can rotate it with this button.
    Note! This is not supported on all screens. Contact PLAYipp support if you can’t rotate the screen.
  • Use external storage: Some screens have the option to extend the internal storage in the screen in the form of a USB stick or memory card.
  • Synchronized playback: This allows screens with the same layout and content to synchronize and show the content at the same time.
  • Override global settings: Lets you change the restart schedule and energy saving mode settings on this specific screen.


Screen details

At the bottom of the screen you will find screen details. Here you will find all the details of the screen and all versions of all apps running on the screen.

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In the diagnostic tab you will see all the information available about the screen gathered on one page. You can also take a screenshot of what the screen is displaying now. 

Screenshot 2022-09-02 at 14.22.29.png

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