
Installation of LG WebOS 3.0


First you need to verify which screen you have to find the correct guide. You can find a list with all the supported screens here.

Before installing your screen with the PLAYipp software, you must first set the correct network and time for the screen. This needs to be done in order for the media player to authenticate correctly to our server and be able to download files.

  1. Start the screen.
  2. Choose Quick start
  3. Set the following options
    Screen rotation, set whether it should be in landscape or portrait mode, depending on how the screen is mounted.
    Time and date
    Auto shutdown = off
  4. Choose Go to settings
  5. Connect to Network
    If Ethernet is to be used, plug the cable into the monitor and verify that the monitor is connected to the network (You can verify that the monitor is connected from the menu settings > general > Network)
    To connect to Wi-Fi
    1. Go to Settings > General > Network > Wi-Fi connection
    2. Select the Network
    3. Enter password (if needed)
    4. Click Connect
    5. Once the display is connected, you can proceed to the next step
  6. Select settings > Ez setting > SI-Server setting > SI-Server setting
  7. Enter the following settings:
    Application Launch Mode = Local
    Fully Qualified Domain Name = ON
    Enter: https://lg.playipp.com/app.ipk
    Application type = ipk
  8. Select Local Application Upgrade and change to Remote
  9. Confirm the app update
  10. Press OK when the app update is completed
  11. Reboot the screen.

If the media player is activated in the PLAYipp manager the content will be downloaded and then displayed on the screen. If it is not activated in PLAYipp manager, the activation code is displayed on the screen.
Read the article about Activate signage screen for instructions on how to activate your media player.

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